[9.6] WOLF's BANE: act six

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Stiles takes a nervous step back from Peter, closer to the girl next to him, who still looks confused as to why he bowed to her and why he called her a 'GAIA'.

Then the both of them spin around to find Jennifer standing on the other side of the corridor.

"What are you doing here? Visiting hours are over."

Stiles looks from her to Peter, both of them approaching the teenagers.


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"You... and him... you're the one who... and he's the... oh, my god. I'm going to die." Stiles stutters.

"Shut up, Stiles, there's no time for you to go into panick mode right now." Alycis hisses.

"I'm sorry if i don't want to die, i'm only sixteen." Stiles gives her a look.

But then a hand presses to Jennifer's cheek and slams her head to the wall. She crumbles to the floor to reveal Derek behind her.

"That wasn't nice. She's my nurse." Peter says with a calm, charming smile.

"She's a psychotic bitch helping you kill people." Derek says through gritted teeth. He looks at Alycia. "Get out of the way."

Derek's mouth opens, revealing sharpened fangs. He lowers into an attack pose.

"Oh, damn." Stiles presses himself up against the wall, dragging Alycia with him, as Derek launches himself at Peter.

His uncle, however, barely seems to move. Eyes flashing red, he grabs Derek by the jacket, slamming him into one wall, cracking the plaster, then slamming him into the opposite side with the same result.

Hands above his and Alycia's head, Stiles cowers down as plaster rains over him and the girl.

Peter drops Derek down. Hand still gripping his neck, he drags the younger werewolf toward Jennifer's body.

"You think i killed Laura on purpose? One of my own family?" He lets Derek slap down to the tile floor. Peter digs through his nurse's unconscious body for her car keys. "My mind-- my personality-- was literally burned out of me. I was being driven by pure instinct."

Derek launches himself back up. Peter responds by planting a foot right on Derek's torso, sending him tumbling back. Blood at his lips, Derek pulls his head up.

"You want forgiveness?" He asks.

"I want understanding. Do you have any idea what was happening to me in those years? Slowly healing cell by cell. Then even more slowly coming back to consciousness. Yes, becoming an Alpha-- taking that from Laura-- it pushed me over a plateau in the healing process. I can't help that. And i tried to tell you what was happening. I tried to warn you."

On his feet again, Derek goes for a last attack. But Peter easily launches him across the empty reception desk and crashing through the glass barrier.

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