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Scott walks out onto the field, Stiles following. With an anxious breath, he turns to the bleachers, where Melissa McCall and Alycia McCall stand up waving. His mom made it. Then Allison and her father, Mr. Argent, appear, walking up to find a good seat.

"Oh god..." Scott mutters

And then Lydia walks down the bleachers past Alycia and Allison, her friends.

"Scott." She snakes two fingers into his chest plate and pulls him very, very close. "I just want you to remember one thing for tonight..." she stops abruptly, waiting for him to continue, and he does.

"Winning isn't everything?" He asks

"Nobody likes a loser."

Scott nods and turns back to the field with a heavy sigh. Coach passes by him on the way to Jackson.

"How's the shoulder?" He asks Jackson

"Fine." Jackson sighs

"Does it hurt?"


"If I punched it really hard, would it hurt?"


"If I took a ball-peen hammer... forget that. I don't know where I was going with that. Just do your best and if you feel any pain, any discomfort whatsoever..."

"Just keep playing?"

"That's my boy"

The whistle blows sending Jackson, Scott and the team charging off the bench and on to the field.

Stiles remains with the other bench warmers, nervously chewing the fingers of his gloves.

On the Lacrosse field, Scott walks out to take his position. He pulls his helmet down and briefly closes his eyes and prays: "please, let this go okay."

Glaring at him from underneath his own helmet, Jackson walks confidently on to the field. Then turns his back to Scott.

At the benches, Stilinski taps Stiles on the shoulder.

"Hey kiddo, any chance you'll be seeing some action tonight?"

"Action? Definite possibility." Stiles says

On the field, Jackson moves to face the opposing team member at the draw. The ref places the ball on the grass. Sound drops out around Scott. Just his uneasy breath and his always pounding heart.

"Please... please..." he keeps muttering

The ref slowly brings the whistle to his lips, Jackson tightens his grip on his stick, teeth clenched down on his mouth guard as the whistle blows.

Jackson scoops up the ball before the opposing player even has a chance to blink.

Scott moves fast, darting around the others, getting open for a pass as quickly as he can but Jackson tosses the ball to another teammate.

Alycia and Melissa are both watching, anxiously biting their nails. Alycia knows, that, if Scott loses control, he could kill someone. Derek's words linger in her head.

'Why are you so worried about me, When it's your brother who's the problem?'

Slap checks comes down hard on Beacon Hills and the ball rolls across the grass, loose for anyone to grab.

Scott hurried forward to take it, but Jackson is there first. It's almost like he's stealing the ball from Scott.

Whipping his stick around, Jackson hurls a shot toward the opposing goal, the ball hits the net.

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now