[3.2] PACK MENTALITY: act two

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Lunch trays in hand, Alycia, Scott and Stiles head to an open table in the cafeteria.

"Dreams aren't memories." Stiles says

"Then it wasn't a dream. Something happened last night. And I can't remember what." Scott sighs

They sit down at a table together with their trays.

"How are you so sure Derek has all the answers?" Alycia asks her brother

Scott leans in and whispers his next part.

"Because on the full moon he wasn't changed. He was in total control. And I'm running around in the night attacking some totally innocent guy."

"You don't know that." Alycia sighs

"I don't not know it. I can't go out with Allison. I have to cancel." Scott says

"No, you don't. You can't cancel your entire life. We'll figure this out." Stiles promises

Lydia sits down next to Alycia with her tray.

"Figure what out?" She asks

"Uh... homework... just homework." Scott lies

Stiles pauses with a French fry held just at his lips. Lydia is sitting with them. Voluntarily. He leans over to whisper to his 2 best friends.

"Why is she sitting with us?"

The siblings shrug. Then Allison comes over and Scott removes his backpack from the seat he was saving for her.

"Thanks" Allison says

Stiles still holds that French fry, watching with increasing surprise as Lydia's friends, one of Jackson's lacrosse teammates and Danny the goalie sit down with them as well.

Glancing to the pretty girl now on his left Stiles gives her a big smile. She smiles back. Then he looks to Danny on his right. Gives him a smile too. Danny looks at him as if to say 'in your dreams' .

Finally, Stiles starts eating that French fry, quite pleased to see that the popular table has come to them.

Until Jackson comes over

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Until Jackson comes over. He glares at his teammate.

"Get up." He demands

"How come you never ask Danny to get up?" His teammate asks him

"Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot." Danny remarks

The teammate grabs his tray and gets up. Jackson sits down next to Lydia and Danny. But his glare fixates on Scott. Not at all happy this kid has somehow infiltrated his crew.

"Jackson, remember what I told you in class." Alycia reminds him about her calling him gay.

Jackson rolls his eyes but doesn't say anything.

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