[10.5] CO-CAPTAIN: act five

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Scott and Alycia stare in disbelief at Peter Hale standing across the threshold from them. Melissa peers out from around the corner.

"Be back in half a minute." She says before disappearing again.

Alycia grabs the knob, moving to close it. But Peter putts a hand on the door.

"Really? Slam the door in my face? Come on, Alycia, take a second to think that through. Gaia's are supposed to be welcoming, you know." Peter smirks, knowing well enough he's working on her nerves.

"We'll tell her." Scott interrupts.

"That i used to be a catatonic invalid with burns covering half of my face? Good luck with that."

Alycia gives her brother a look.

"That sounds... unrealistic." She sighs.

"You hurt her... you even touch her..." Scott starts.

"Scott, if i can interrupt your listing of 'the top five most impotent sounding threats' for just a moment, try to remember i've been in a coma for six years. You don't think i'd like to have dinner with a beautiful woman?"

Melissa calls out from around the corner.

"Half a second, sorry!"

Peter inches toward the siblings.

"Or maybe you think i've come up with an idea. Like how it might be easier to convince you both to be a part of the pack if your mother was too? Or maybe even your friend Stiles?" Peter keeps slowly pressing the male sibling into the foyer. "You need to understand how much more powerful we are together, under the protection of your sister's powers. You, me, Derek and Alycia. Did you know one of the most successful military operations in World War II were the German U-boat attacks? Know what they called them? Wolf packs. Did you know that? Or are you failing History too?"

"I know the Germans lost the war."

Peter smiles at Scott's jab, enjoying it.

"Most people would argue that as a failure of leadership. Trust me, we don't have that problem here." Peter steps back, giving the siblings, mostly Scott, space.

Pulling her coat on, Melissa hurries from behind the corner to join them.

"Ready. Sorry again."


Melissa glares back at Scott with a 'please don't ruin this for me' expression.

"Yes, sweetheart?" Melissa says through her teeth.

Peter waits patiently, watching Scott as well, also keeping a close eye on the teenage girl.

"I think--"

"Have a good time, mom." Alyica interrupts her brother, not letting him finish his sentence.

Scott gives her a wide-eyed look.

"Thank you, sweetie, i will." Melissa gives her daughter a smile.


Thundering heavy metal blasts from an iPod sitting docked in a speaker. Just a few feet beyond the rattling lockers, Jackson pushes a barbell up on a bench press.

Racking it, he immediately gets up and grabs two dumbbells for hammer curls. Pushing himself as hard as he can, he grits his teeth on the last rep. Muscles straining through his tank top, he struggles to get the dumbbell up to his chest.

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