[12.2] CODE BREAKER: act two

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Stiles's Jeep skids to a halt in an otherwise quiet underground parking garage. The brake lights click off, red glow fading as Peter exits from the passenger side.

Yanking Stiles out of the driver's seat, he drags him down the row of cars to one in particular. Reaching into the tailpipe, Peter finds a hidden set of keys.

He hits a button and pops the trunk.

"Whose car is this?" Stiles asks with curiosity.

"It belonged to my nurse." Peter answers.

"What happened to your-- oh my god."

Peter lifts up a pale and very dead female arm to get to a laptop bag underneath it. He hands the bag to a slack-jawed Stiles. Glancing back to the nurse's partially covered body inside, he shrugs.

"I got better." Peter slams the trunk shut.


Teenagers dancing, groping and kissing each other, are seen everywhere. All of them too busy to hear the screams outside.

All except for one.

Just like the most teenagers here, Alycia was dancing with her partner, who's name she didn't care to ask, when suddenly a loud scream made her cover her ears.

She tumbles backwards, hitting a table in process. Her partner rushes forward, holding her arm to keep her steady.

"You all right?"

"Yeah, yeah i'm fine. I just need to take a break, sorry." Alycia mutters, still covering her ears.

"Yeah, sure. Do you need help--"

"No, i'm fine, thank you."

Alycia rushes past the hormonal teenagers, hitting some of them on the shoulder.

Just as she opens the double doors leading to the parking lot, she sees Jackson with Lydia in his arms, who's covered in blood. She doesn't lose a second, rushing towards them.

"What the hell happened to her?"

"I don't-- i don't know. I got a call from Stiles saying that Lydia is hurt--"

"Wait, wait, wait... Stiles?" Alycia holds her hands up, stopping the boy.


"Where is he?"

"He left. He said, and i quote, 'you have to help her, she's in danger' and he left with some dude." Jackson explains.

"What dude?" Alycia looks up.

"He-- he had a thick neck."

"Peter..." Alycia mutters to herself.

"What did you say?" Jackson asks.

"Never mind, we have to take her to the hospital."

"Yeah, right."

Jackson rushes forward, Lydia still in his arms. Alycia, deep in her thoughts, follows close behind.


Under the glow of a florescent bulb, Scott sits on the floor in the back of the Animal Clinic, his only refuge. Knees pulled to his chest, he puts his head in his hands.

Sounds filter to him, bits of pieces of the previous few hours coming back to him.

"Tell her how you feel. Say it. Say it again--"

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now