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On his bike and pedaling at top speed, Scott charges down the road. Finally, he wipes onto a driveway leading to the rundown Hale House.

"Derek! DEREK!" Scott shouts

Still no response, Scott slips around the side of the house and to the back. Then something catches his attention.

At the edge of the woods, he sees fresh dirt covering the ground. As if something had been dug up. Or buried.

But before he can approach, a sound stops him in his tracks... a heartbeat. At first it's a tiny rhythm in the distance. But then it rapidly gets louder, stronger. Scott starts to back away, moving for the front of the house again and for his bike when Derek steps out of the woods. No sudden appearance, no theatrics. He just calmly walks out of the shadows.

Scott tries to stand strong.

"Stay away from her. She doesn't know anything." He says

"What if she does?" Derek asks

Derek keeps coming, backing Scott away from the house.

"You think your little buddy Stiles can google werewolves and now you've got all the answers?" He continues

Reaching down to Scott's school bag, Derek picks up the lacrosse stick, playfully turning it over in his hands.

"You don't get it yet, but I'm looking out for you. Think about what could happen. You're on the field. The aggression takes over. And you shift in front of everyone. Allison, your mother, sister, your friends..." Derek continues

His hand comes up and the claws are out. Scott flinches back, both in fear and surprise at his display of mastery over his abilities.

"And when they see you..." Derek rakes his claws over the net. "Everything falls apart."

The slashed threads flutter away from the head of the lacrosse stick, the net now in tatters. Derek tosses the ruined stick. Scott catches it. When he looks up, he's alone, Derek having vanished yet again.


Stiles bursts through Scott's door and into his room.

"What did you find? How did you find it? Where did you find it? And yeah, I've had a lot of Adderall."

At his desk, Scott works on something, concentrating on it with exacting focus.
Alycia, on the other hand, was fast asleep before Stiles came bursting into the room, making her jump and fall of the bed.

"I'm up!" She says

"I found something at Derek Hale's." Scott informs them

"Are you kidding? What?" Stiles asks

"Something's buried there. I smelled blood." Scott explains

"That's awesome... I mean that's terrible. Who's blood?" Alycia asks, sounding a little too excited.

"That's what I need you guys to help me find out. And when we do, we're going to help Stiles' dad nail Derek for the murder. And then you guys are going to help me figure out how to play lacrosse without changing." The werewolf explains his plan. Scott stands, revealing what he's been working on so intently: his lacrosse stick. Now perfectly re-laced, he spins it in his hands with a look of pride. "Because there is no way I'm not playing that game."


The doors of Beacon Hills Hospital slide open. Stiles, Alycia and Scott casually walk past the front desk trying not to be conspicuous in front of waiting patients, nurses and orderlies.

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now