[8.2] LUNATIC: act two

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The alarm clock goes off, radio blaring on. Underneath the covers, Scott stares at the clock, not moving to turn it off.

"Scott!" Alycia yells from the room next door.

Her voice is muffled out by the man speaking on the radio.

"First up in local news on this beautiful monday morning, Beacon Hills high school is back open after being closed Thursday and Friday. Police search continues for alleged killer Derek Hale—"

Mellisa charges in and slams a hand onto the alarm clock radio, turning it off.

"We should probably set this to buzzer." She mutters. Melissa leans down to get a look at Scott's glazed stare. "You alive in there?" She asks.


"Not ready to go back to school?"


"Want to stay home another day?"


"Want a brand new car?" Off his look she continues. "Yeah, me too."

Scott finally gets out of bed, heading for the bathroom.

"This isn't just about what happened at the school, is it? It's Allison, right? You want to talk about it?" Melissa smiles.

"Yeah it is about Allison, boy can't handle a breakup." Alycia says walking into Scott's room, muttering the last part.

Melissa gives her a glare, which results the younger girl to raise her hands in surrender.

Scott walks out the bathroom, stopping at the door.

"I don't want to talk about it, not with you."

"Hey, i've been through a few breakups myself. Disastrous ones actually." Melissa says awkwardly.

"Believable." The brunette girl mutters, receiving another glare from her mother.

Scott turns around with an icy glare.

"I don't care about your breakups. And i'm getting her back."

"Hey! You're not allowed to talk to mom like that, only i am. And how do you want to get her back when she doesn't want anything to do with you?" Alycia says giving her brother a murderous glare.

Scott doesn't answer, he slams the door shut, conversation over.


Deputy Sheriff cruisers sit interspersed between student cars as the school day begins. Plastic and police tape cover one of the busted classroom windows. Argent's SUV pulls into the lot and pauses at the curb.


With Kate riding shotgun, Argent peers out from behind the wheel at the school. In the backseat, Allison tries to open the door but the child safety lock is on.

"Dad, if you're going to insist on driving me to school, you at least have to let me out of the car." She says turning toward her father.

Argent keeps his suspicious gaze leveled at the building.

"Kate, what's your opinion on home schooling?" He asks.

"I'm more a learning by doing kind of girl." Kate smirks.

"Kate, what's your opinion on overprotective dads who keep ruining their daughter's lives?" Allison sneeres back at her father.

Kate answers by reaching over Argent to unlock the door for Allison.

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