[8.4] LUNATIC: act four

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Coach blows the whistle sending the first offensive player into a drill. Scott and Stiles wait in line for their turn.

"Are you okay, dude?" Stiles asks. Scott doesn't answer, gloves twisting around his stick. "I know we had good news and all that, but it's seven hours left till the full moon—"

The whistle blows for the next play. Scott's turn.

Coach tosses the ball and Scott goes for it. Moving fast, twisting his stick to keep the ball in tight.

Two players collide with Scott, ramming into him with unwarranted brutality. He tumbles to the ground, stick clattering away from him.

"I guess some people don't appreciate your new status, McCall." Coach laughs.

Behind the lineup of other players, Stiles looks out to see Scott snap right back up to his feet in an acrobatic kip up.

"Next!" Coach shouts.

But before another player can step forward, Scott whips his lacrosse stick in front of him. Teeth bared underneath his helmet, he steps to the head of the line again.

"That's the spirit. Earn it, McCall! Earn it!"

Coach sends the ball bouncing to the ground. Scott grabs it and shoots forward at the two long stick defenders. He smashes through them like a battering ram.

Playing goal, Danny comes forward to stop the offensive attack but Scott whips around and shoves his elbow into Danny's helmet, sending him tumbling through the air.

Danny goes down with a strangled cry of pain. He hits the ground hard, helmet snapping into the dirt.

Coach blows the whistle as other players start forward. Jackson shoves past everyone, alarmed for his friend.

At the bleachers, Lydia stands up.

"Was that Danny?" She mutters before stepping down.

She hurries onto the field where Stiles pulls Scott away from the gathering crowd.

"What the hell's wrong with you? You just took Danny down." Stiles says with furrowed eyebrows.

"So what? He's twice the size of me." Scott fires back, defending himself.

"So everyone likes Danny. Which means everyone's going to hate you."

"I don't care."

They turn back to see Danny slowly sitting up as an EMT rushes in. The cracked front plate of his helmet is removed to reveal blood running out of his nose.

Scott's head snaps back as he takes in the scent of blood. The corners of his lips curl upward in a smile that's more slightly evil.

Stiles gives him a look.

"What?" Scott mutters.

He shoves past, heading for the school. Stiles turns his attention back to the crowd around Danny.

Lydia steps to Jackson's side.

"Is he okay?" She asks worried.

"It looks like he's just got a bloody..." Jackson trails off, staring at her.

"What?" She mutters.

"Your lipstick."

Whipping out a compact she glances at the reflection to see her lipstick slightly smeared.

"Oh. Wonder how that happened." She sighs.

Jackson watches her fix the smear with her thumb.

"Yeah. I wonder..."

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now