[6.5] HEART MONITOR: act five

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Derek quickly heads to his Camaro in the parking lot of the hospital. Unlocking it, he reaches for the door when he notices a piece of paper slipped under the windshield wiper.

He pulls it out, slowly unfolding it, then reading with interest. He looks up, turning back to the hospital as if trying to find someone watching him.

Then crumpling the paper in his hand, he moves quickly, faster than ever.

A second later, his car roars out of the lot and into the street.


Scott, Alycia and Stiles sit in the otherwise empty classroom while Mr. Harris reads the paper. Pulling a wad of tissues away from his nose, Scott turns to Harris.

"Excuse me, sir, I know it's detention and all, but my sister and I are supposed to be at work. And we don't want to get fired." He tells the teacher.

Harris ignores him. Scott sits quietly with Stiles. Then turns to whisper to him.

"You knew I would heal."

"Yep." Stiles nods

"So you did that to help me learn."


"But partially to punish me."


"For not being there the other day. When your dad got hurt." Stiles doesn't respond this time. Just staring ahead."You're my best friend. I don't want you to be angry at me."

Harris eyes them over his newspaper. Alycia notices this.

Now Stiles turns to Scott.

"You have something, Scott. Whether you want it or not. You can do things other people can't, except for your sister, I guess." Stiles sighs.

Alycia turns towards her brother and friend, knowing that if they keep going, Harris might let them leave.

"Scott, you don't have a choice anymore. It means you have to do something." She says.

"I know and I will." Scott promises.

Harris puts his newspaper down, done with their sweet talk.

"All right. The three of you. Out of here." He orders.

They grab their things, rushing to get up.

Alycia gives Harris a small smirk before disappearing.


Looking over paperwork, Deaton hears the chimes on his door ringing.

"Scott. Alycia, you guys are late again. I hope this isn't getting to be a habit." He says. He looks up to see not the McCall twins, but Derek entering. "Can I help you?" He asks.

"I hope so. I want to know about the animal you found with the spiral in its side." Derek says.

"Excuse me? What animal?"

"Three months ago, the deer..." Derek unfolds the piece of paper left on his windshield. It's a report and photograph of a dead deer with a spiral carved into its side. "See that mark? You remember that?"

"Ah, yes. It was just a deer. And I didn't find it. They called me because they wanted to know if I'd seen anything like it."

"What did you tell them?" Derek asks.

"I told them no."

Derek turns his head ever-so-slightly.

"Did you hear that?" He asks.

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