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At the start of the next quarter, the ref comes walking past the players with the ball but pauses when a strange noise comes from behind him.

Scott McCall stands hunched-over, face masked in shadow under his helmet.

"You okay, kid?" The ref asks him

Scott nods very slowly, not seeing that Jackson is also looking back as the opposing player approaches for the draw.

"Set!" The ref shouts

Both teams prepare for the draw. But strange noises can now be heard on the field. Low growling. Animalistic gasps. Scott's body seems to rise with each breath, as if he's about to launch off the ground to attack.

Unnerved the other players take tentative steps back.

Even the crowd begins to lean forward.

"Which one is Scott again?" Chris Argent asks his daughter and her best friend.

"Number Eleven. Otherwise known as the one who hasn't caught a single pass the entire game." Lydia answers for Allison.

"I hope he's okay." Allison mutters to herself, but Lydia heard her

"I hope we're okay. We need to win." She says. Lydia pulls up the sign again and flips it over. "Allison? Little help here." She says

Allison reluctantly helps Lydia hold up the sign .

The backside reads: Jackson is #1!

Head turned to the stands, Scott sees it. And that does it. He breathes a furious snarl between his teeth as a crack snakes it's way up the side of his helmet.

"What the hell we waiting for?" Jackson asks

The ref blows the whistle. The sound tears across the field, going off like a fire alarm in Scott's head.

Jackson and the opposing player grapple for the ball, sending it flying up into the air where Scott leaps up, snatching it with uncanny precision. The crowd issues a WHOA in response as he lands and charges back down the field right past Jackson, whose uniform billows up in Scott's wake.

With a sudden WOOSH, the ball goes flying. Right past the goalie and into the net.

On the bleachers, Melissa, Alycia, who came back some minutes ago, and Allison jump up, hollering. Lydia is knocked in the shoulder. Only mildly, but her look is one of pure annoyance.

On the Sidelines, Stiles, who started following Coach After his 'bathroom' visit, clutches one of his gloves in his hand, chewing the index finger.

"To McCall. Pass to McCall!" Coach shouts

A furious Jackson turns to his teammates. One of them shrugs, pointing to the scoreboard. Beacon is down by one now, a mere minute left on the clock.

"Set!" The ref shouts

The other team takes a few frightened steps back as if sensing they're on the field with something very, very dangerous.

The whistle blows and Scott's off again.

He moves for the ball but it's captured by the other team. Scott goes for a slap check. The opposing player is so freaked out he just tosses the ball to Scott.

"Did the opposing team just deliberately pass us the ball?" Coach asks confused

"Did the opposing team just deliberately pass us the ball?" Coach asks confused

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