[12.3] CODE BREAKER: act three

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Scott runs. Breath gasping out of him, he races as fast as a human can. And then faster and faster until suddenly, his body arcs downward and he's no longer running, but loping at an incredible speed.

Meanwhile, Alycia stops with running, taking deep breaths in and out. This wasn't how she planned the formal day to go.


Worried teens looking very out of place in their formal wear gather in the waiting area outside the ICU. Heads turn to notice someone slowly approaching. Talking fades to whispers when they each catch a glimse of Allison.

Slowly approaching the crowd, she notices Jackson talking to several officers.

Allison pushes through. All she can hear is her own breathing. People talk to her but no words come out of their mouths.

She approaches the windows of the ICU and peers in. Lydia lies in the hospital bed. Blood seeps through the bandages.

Allison puts her hand to the window. As soon as her fingertips touch the glass, sound rushes back.

The roar of the hospital surrounds her.

"Miss, i'm sorry but you can't be here..."

Allison nods and steps back, turning away.


Slipping into the passenger seat, Allison shuts the door. Kate leans in to gauge the look of shock on her face.

"You getting it now? It's what they do. And they can't help it." She says.

"All of them?"

"Yes, Allison. Even Scott." Kate rolls her eyes, before she furrows them. "Didn't you tell me he has a sister? Ali-- Alisa--"

"Alycia." Allison sighs nodding.

"Right, if her brother is a Beta, she might be one too."


Peter tosses the laptop bag into the backseat of the car. But with his hand on the door, his cocks to the side, ears picking up something in the distance.

Stiles notices the odd look on Peter and then glances about as if he might actually catch the sound as well.

But only Peter hears Derek's faint and far off return howl. Shutting the door, he looks back to Stiles.

"Give me your car keys."

Stiles hands them over.

"Careful, she grinds in second." Peter crushes the keys in his bare hand and then hands them back in a tangled metallic mess. He turns for the driver's side of his nurse's car. You're not going to kill me?"

"Don't you understand yet? I'm not the bad guy here."

"You turn into a giant monster with fangs and red eyes and you're not the bad guy?"

"I like you, Stiles. And since you helped me i'll give you something in return. Do you want me to bite you?"

"What?" Stiles looks stunned, not expecting that at all.

"Do you want the bite? If you don't die-- and you could-- you'll become like us."

"Like you."

"Yes, a werewolf. Do you need me to draw you a picture?" He takes Stiles's wrist, causing the boy to flinch back. "That first night in the woods, i took Scott because i needed a new pack. It could easily have been you." He turns Stiles's shaking hand around so that the palm is facing him. "You'd be every bit as powerful as Scott. No more standing by his side watching him become stronger and quicker, more popular. Watching him get the girl." He draws Stiles's hand closer to him. "You'll be equals. Or maybe more. Maybe for once in your life, you'll exceed expectations." Peter opens his mouth, exposing his fangs. He slowly guides Stiles's trembling hand up and toward his teeth. "Yes or no?"

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now