[9.3] WOLF's BANE: act three

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Stiles and the McCall twins burst through the double doors out of one corridor and into the next. Their talk is frantic and fast.

"How the hell did he find out?" Alycia asks.

"I have no idea."

"Did he say it out loud? The word?" Stiles asks.

"What word?" Scott gives him a weird look.

"Werewolf." Stiles whispers, more like tries to. "Did he say i know you're a werewolf."

"No, but he implied it pretty freaking clearly."

"Okay, maybe it's not as bad as it seems. He has no proof, right? And if he wanted to tell someone who's going to believe him anyway?"

"How about Allison's father?" Alycia suggests.

"Okay, it's bad. Very bad. Four alarm fire bad. Def Con 1 bad--"

"Okay, we get it." Alycia sighs.

"I need a cure. Right now." Scott states.

"He doesn't know about Allison's father, does he?" Stiles asks after calming down.

"No, i don't think so."

"Where's Derek?"

Alycia tenses.

"Hiding. Like we told him, why?" Scott answers.

"I have another idea. It might take a little time and finesse, though."

"Remember we have the game tonight. Quarterfinals and your first game." Scott reminds him.

"I know, i know. You have a plan for Allison?"

"She's in our next class." Scott says, pointing a finger to Alycia and himself.

"Get the necklace."

"Get the necklace." Scott nods.


The bell rings as the last students hurry in. Scott sees a seat behind Allison and goes for it. But someone from the other aisle puts a leg up on it before he can sit down.

"Try another row, sweetheart." Lydia smiles before looking behind him. "Hey Al, come sit here." She offers, removing her leg so Alycia can sit.

Scott rolls his eyes before slinking into a seat a few spaces behind Allison.

"You didn't have to do that." Allison mutters to Lydia.

"You need an ex-boyfriend buffer for a little while and plus, Alycia didn't have a seat, so i gave it to her."

"Allison..." Scott whispers.

Lydia watches him lean forward, practically falling out of his chair to whisper to Allison.

"See what i mean?"

"Allison?" Scott whispers again.

Finally, she looks back.

"Hey, class is beginning." She whispers back.

"I know, and i'll shut up. I'm sending you some stuff i had on my phone. Thought you might want it."

Allison gives an uncomfortable nod as the English Teacher, Mrs. Ramsey, begins class.

"All right, I'd like to return to our discussion from yesterday with a more in depth analysis of Iago and the way in which he preyed upon Othello's jealousies..."

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now