[12.4] CODE BREAKER: act four

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Stiles follows his father down the corridor, battering him with questions.

"Go back and stay with your friends." Stilinski orders.

"Dad, tell me. You know it has something to do with Derek."

"I thought you three barely knew him."

"We might know him a little better than that." Stiles admits.

"You do realize i'm elected to this job?"

"And if i help you figure this out you'll get re-elected, right? Dad? Come on."

Finally, Stilinski stops.

"That girl in there has nothing to do with a six year-old arson case."

He starts to walk away.

"When did you decide it was definitely arson?" Stiles asks.

And Stilinski stops, realizing his mistake.

"We have a key witness. And i'm not telling you who. But yeah, we know it was arson. And that it was probably organized by a young woman."

"What young woman?"

"We don't know--"

Stilinski's cell phone begins ringing.

"Was she young then or young now?" Stiles asks furrowing his eyebrows.

"Probably in her late twenties now. And i have to take this call."

His phone keeps ringing.

"You don't know her name?"

"No, but she had this-- she had a very distinctive-- what do you call it?" The ringing seems to get louder and louder. "Pendant."

"A what?"

"Stiles, i have to answer."

"A what? What was it?"

"A necklace."

And finally Stilinski puts the phone to his ear. He walks away, not seeing the look on Stiles's face. A look of realization.


"You shouldn't have come, it's too dangerous for you to be here." Derek says, his eyes focused on Alycia.

She doesn't answer, avoiding his eyes.

Derek sighs, knowing damn well he pissed her off.

He reaches for the other restraint to free himself. The bolts at his wrists, however, have to be held at both ends making it impossible for him to unlock it with one hand.

"Al-- Scott, help me with this. "


"What do you mean no?"

Derek pulls forward causing Scott to take a few paces back, leaving Alycia to stand alone.

"Alycia?" Derek gives her a look.

No response.

"We won't help you. Not until you tell me how to stop Peter." Scott says.

"You want to talk about this now?"

"He's going after Allison and her family. He's going to kill them."

"So what?"

"So tell me how to stop him."

"You can't." Derek struggles against his restraints, but he's not strong enough to break free. "Listen, I don't know when Kate's coming back. Get me out of this now."

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