[3.6] PACK MENTALITY: act six

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Scott stands with the bowling ball held, eyes focused on the lane. Allison comes to the edge of her seat. She starts to get up, then sits back down. But then she can't help it.

"Scott." She hurries over to him while Jackson practically falls out of his seat from impatience. "You're thinking about it to much." Allison whispers

"I know, I'm sorry, I'm ruining this." Scott sighs

"No, not at all." She assures him. Then turning towards Jackson she continues. "But I wouldn't mind shutting him up. Just clear your head. Think about something else."

"Like what?" Scott asks

"Anything." She mutters. After a pause she continues. "Think about me." Then almost as an after-thought she adds: "Naked."

She darts back to her seat as Scott nearly drops the ball out of his hands

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She darts back to her seat as Scott nearly drops the ball out of his hands. He looks back to see her giving him a perfectly innocent smile.

When he turns back to the lane his eyes flick yellow for a brief second as his anxiety completely disappears and his heightened abilities seem to kick in.

His gaze zeroes in with sudden focus on the lines of the alley.

Scott winds up and let's the ball fly. The ball rockets down the lane with almost shocking speed.

Pins go flying. A perfect strike.

Scott turns to the others with a look of astonishment. Allison cheers, clapping her hands.

"What did you say to him?" Lydia asks turning towards the brunette girl.

"I just gave him something to think about." Allison answers innocently

Jackson reluctantly types in the new score.


The numbers on the gas pump tick up and up.

Noting the two men behind him and Argent ahead with almost casual interest, Derek doesn't say a word. Just waits.

He does notice one of the hunters behind him, holding a shotgun tightly to his leg.

Clunk, the gas pump stops. Moving slowly yet deliberately, Derek puts the pump back and twists the cap back on his tank.

"Nice ride" Argent compliments, he approaches, looking over the Dodge. "Black cars, though. Very hard to keep clean. I would definitely suggest a little more maintenance." He grabs a squeegee from the hanging bucket. Then covers the windshield with water. Actually cleaning it for him. "If you have something this nice, you want to take care of it, right?" Argent methodically squeegees the water off of the windshield while Derek simply watches the bizarre display.

"Personally, I'm very protective of the things I love. But that's something I learned from my family. And you don't have much of that these days, do you?" Argent pulls the squeegee back one last time. "There we go. You can actually look through the windshield now. See how that makes everything so much clearer?" Argent sets the squeegee back, noticing Derek's hands have curled into fists. Exactly what he wanted. But Derek slowly relaxes his hands, unwilling to be provoked.

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now