[4] MAGIC BULLET: act one

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- ROAD -




Until the sound of a car engine rumbles in and a pair of headlights appear on the horizon.

A DJ talks rapid fire on the radio.

"In other news local authorities remain perplexed by the animal attacks plaguing Beacon Hills—"

Kate, the beautiful twenty-something driving, clicks to another station. Music blasting through the speakers, she drums the wheel to the beat as a light thump catches her attention. She puts her foot on the brake and slows to a stop in the road. Turning off the radio, she glances in the rear view mirror.

The road behind her lies empty.

Nothing at all.

Kate cranks the radio again and hits the gas. But an unease has crept over her.

And with good reason...

Through the rear windshield behind her, two glowing red eyes appear in the darkness.

While Kate nods her head to the music, those red eyes surge even closer, approaching as if to attack. But instead they disappear into the shadows like lights clicking off.

Through the passenger window, trees flit by, deep woods flanking the right side of the car where the red eyes appear again.

A dark shape keeping pace with the vehicle. As if sensing something watching her, Kate glances out the window. Almost in the same instant, the eyes vanish again.

Kate's gaze lingers too long. She doesn't see she's coming up too fast on a red light. Finally turning to look, she slams on the brakes, screaming to a stop.

"Nice Kate, nice driving." She mutters to herself.

She snaps the radio off, then waits in silence for the light to change.

The seconds tick by.

She nervously taps a finger on the wheel, eyes glancing about.

Finally, the light changes to green. Kate starts to lift her foot off the brake when a loud thump on the roof of the car startles her.

Her eyes go up as she sucks in a breath. But no other sound follows while her gaze wanders down from the roof to the passenger window.

Where inky black shapes move among the dark woods. Impossible to tell if it's just trees and foliage in the shadows.

Or something else...

Kate leans closer to the passenger window, squinting to see if something is out there while behind her the driver's side window explodes into the car.

Kate screams as a clawed hand grabs at her from the roof. Digging into her jacket, it drags her up toward the shattered window as she struggles against it.

"No, no—"

Her hand reaches behind her seat, fingers grasping at something as the Alpha tries to pull her out. Kate finally grabs the object, a mossberg pistol grip shotgun.

She whips it up and pulls the trigger, blasting a hole through the roof of her car.

The passenger door of the car slams open. Kate rolls out to a crouched stance, shotgun primed. The move is fluid and fast.

Kate is no ordinary young woman...

She's a hunter.

But there's nothing on the roof of the car now. No sign of movement. Kate spins, shotgun aimed.

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now