[11.7] FORMALITY: act seven

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Scott's back slams against a locker, Allison pressing against him. Softly and gently have given wat to teenage hormones. They go at it like they're kissing and groping each other for the first time.

Allison breaks away momentarily, but their faces still touch, cheek-to-cheek, nose-to-nose.

"Are we going too fast? Should we try to first work on being friends again?" Allison mutters, unsure about all of it.

"Can we do that after we get back together?"

"Yeah, totally." She breaths out.

And they start kissing again.


Lydia drops to the grass in the lacrosse field, unconscious, the side of her dress covered with blood.

Stiles races to her, but Peter lunges forward with an arm reaching over her body. Clawed hand to the ground in front of her, he's like an animal claiming its kill.

Stiles stares in shock at the blood dripping from the man's jaws.


"Don't kill her, please." Stiles cuts the man off.

"Of course. Just tell me how to find Derek."


"Tell me how to find Derek Hale." Peter repeats.

"I-- i don't know that. How would i know?"

"Because you're the smart one, aren't you? And because i can smell it on you. Deception has a particularly acrid scent, Stiles. So how about you tell me the truth before i rip her apart."

"I don't know. I swear to God, i don't." Stiles stutters. Hand to the back of Lydia's neck, Peter lifts her up, closer and closer to his teeth. Frightened tears welling at his eyes, Stiles can't pull his gaze from Lydia's bloody dress. "Please, please stop."

"Tell me." Peter's voice surges from his lips with a demonic rasp.

"Okay, okay. I think-- i think he knew--"

"Knew what?"

"Derek knew he was going to be caught."

"By the Argents?" When Stiles nods, he continues. "And?"

"When they got shot, him and Scott-- I think he took Scott's phone."


"They all have GPS now. If Derek still has it, if it's still on..." He meets Peter's eyes. "You can find him."


The door to the school clatters open, Scott and Allison stumbling out, unable to keep their lips from each other.

"This way." Allison mumbles.

Taking him by the lapels of his coat, she pulls him off the steps. They kiss again and again, moving away from the school until Scott finally breaks away to gasp out a few words.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere we can be alone."

Scott stops. Hands still holding his, Allison nearly trips over her dress from the abrupt halt.

"Alone where?"

"Over here." She pulls him in between two of the parked buses, not noticing his disturbed expression. "You okay?"

"Just a little weird déjà vu."

"Come on."

Hands intertwined with his, she keeps pulling him closer to the bus. Almost magnetically drawn to her, each time she kisses him, he finds himself moving forward another step.

"You sure this is a good idea?"

She steps closer, whispering in his ear.

"In a minute, you're going to think it's a great idea."

"I really hate when you say things like that." Scott mutters making her laugh, enjoying his agonized response while pulling him even closer to the door of the bus. "We should go back to the dance.

His eyes glance to the shadows in the parking lot, searching for movement even as she pulls open the door and hurries inside.

He watches her through the windows, stepping past the seats, smiling down at him.

All other worries forgotten, he watches her playfully urge him onto the bus with a guiding finger.

"Screw it." He mutters to himself.

Finally, he turns to head for the door to the bus.

But tires screech across the pavement, a truck grinding to a halt just between the buses. Tyhurst sits in the driver's seat, engine revving with a threatening growl.

Scott steps back, then spins around to see an SUV skidding to a stop at the other end.

Argent looks out form behind the wheel, staring right at Scott. The two trucks trapping him in between the buses.

Through the window of the bus, Allison gazes down, utterly confused as the engines of both vehicles spin louder.

Behind the wheel of the SUV, Argent doesn't reveal an ounce of emotion even as he drives his foot into the pedal, flooring the vehicle right toward Scott.

Tyhurst does the same, wheels spinning on the pavement, the truck bullets forward.

Allison screams as the two vehicles smash into each other. When she opens her eyes, she sees an impossible sight...

One foot on the hood of Tyhurst's truck, the other on Argent's SUV, Scott stands there, having jumped up just in time.

But his sudden display of supernatural reflexes has resulted in an unfortunate side effect...

He's transformed.

With yellow eyes and fangs still growing to their full length between his lips, Scott turns his gaze from Argent's look of satisfaction to Allison.

Stunned and terrified as she realizes the boy she loves is also the enemy she fears.



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