[10.2] CO-CAPTAIN: act two

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Jackson roars down a desolate stretch of road with heavy metal music pumped so loud through the speakers that it literally rattles the windows. Too loud for him to hear the engine sputter.

Speed dropping precipitously, he taps the brakes, then grips the wheel with both hands as it tries to yank from his grasp.

The porsche coasts onto the grass and lumbers to a dead stop. Jackson turns the key several times, but all he hears from the engine is a useless clicking.

Stepping out of the car, he slams the door shut.

"Son of a bitch."

He walks around to the rear of the car where the engine is located, but slows his pace when he notices the odd quiet and isolation. No houses in sight. No other cars on the road.

Now somewhat nervous, he opens the rear engine compartment. But like most people he just stares at the engine, dumbfounded. Reaching to close it, he hears the sound of another vehicle approaching.

A familiar SUV pulls to the shoulder of the road just behind his Porsche. Argent steps out and offers a friendly smile.

"Car trouble?"


Through a mist-shrouded trail, a shivering Lydia reluctantly follows Allison into the woods.

"Allison, when you said you need to stop for an errand before we went shopping, a five mile hike in the woods wasn't what i was expecting." Lydia says.

"It won't take long."

"Can you at least tell me what we're doing?"

"You'll see."

Allison shifts a heavy black bag on her shoulder as she trudges up the path.

"You know, the human body only had to drop to 95 degrees to be hypothermic." Lydia informs her.

"Before i forget, i wanted to ask you if you're okay with something."

"I'll say yes to anything if it includes getting out of here."

"Jackson asked me to go to the winter formal with him."

Lydia blinks. Any real reaction remains imperceptible.

"Did he?" She finally asks.

"Just as friends. But i wanted to see if you were okay with it first."

Any emotional reaction still imperceptible, Lydia smiles.

"Sure, as long it's just friends."

"Well, yeah, it's not like i'm going to take him to a empty classroom during lacrosse practice and start making out with him." Allison says with sarcasm.

Now it's perceptible.

"Oh. Um. About that..."

Allison drops the bag and unzips it.

"We should be good here. It's isolated enough."

Inside the bag she reveals a bow and quiver of arrows. Lydia looks down at it. Looks around to see the two of them are indeed completely isolated. Then gives a nervous laugh.


Argent takes a look at the engine at the rear of Jackson's Porsche.

"It's really okay. I can call for a tow truck." Jackson says.

"I know a few things about cars. Might be something simple."

"I don't know. This is a pretty expensive car and there's all that warranty crap they pull if you do your own repairs, right?"

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now