[10.4] CO-CAPTAIN: act four

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Stiles takes the empty glass out of his drunk father's hand before it drops through his flimsy grasp.

"There's just so many questions." Stilinski says.


"If Derek was going to kill everyone involved with the fire, why start with his own sister who had nothing to do with it?" The Sheriff makes an thinking face.

"Good question." Stiles nods.

"And why make it all look like some animal did it?"

"Also a good question."

"Which is the other weird thing. When the cougar ended up in the school parking lot i checked with Animal Control. Incidences of wild animal reports? Up seventy percent in the last few months. It's like they're all going crazy running out of the woods." Stilinski rambles.

"Or something's scaring them out." Stiles mumbles quietly.

Stiles looks over the files and then starts cleaning them up, shoving them back in their folders.

"You know, i miss talking to you. It's like we never have time--"

"Gotta' make a phone call, dad. Be right back." Stiles cuts him off, not ready for this conversation.

"I do. I miss it." Stiles gets up, pulling his phone from his pocket. "I miss your mother." Glancing back, Stiles takes the phone from his ear.

"What'd you say?"

But Stilinski just reaches for the bottle to pour another drink. As he lifts it up, however, Stiles puts his hand around it, gently setting it down.

"Thanks." The sheriff says, appreciatively.


Scott and Allison sit on the edge of his bed, not talking. Or even looking at each other. Finally, Scott turns to her.

"Did you want me to say something first?"


"Okay." He turns back, satisfied with that answer for the moment. Allison still doesn't say anything. "Do you want me to leave you alone for a few minutes?"

"Why would i want that?" Allison asks confused.

"I don't know. It's just that you came in and asked if we could talk and we've been sitting here for like ten minutes and you haven't said anything and it's starting to freak me out."

"Sorry, it's a little hard to start. I didn't want to bother you with this. I called Jackson, but he's not answering his phone."

"He's not?" Scott actually sounds worried.

"I don't know if he's the best person to talk to anyway. I feel like sometimes he tries to pretend he's listening, but that he's actually just waiting for me to stop talking so that he can start again."

"That sounds about right." Scott sighs.

"And i definitely can't talk to Lydia about this. And i don't think Alycia is going to be interested in it, like at all. It's going to sound ridiculous. I guess i don't want you to laugh at me." Allison starts rambling.

"I would never laugh at you."

She glances at him and nods, seeming to believe him. Then, gathering her nerve, she tries to start.

"It's about my family."


"A little while ago i caught them in a lie. It was really small. When my aunt, Kate, arrived, she had car trouble. My dad said it was a flat tire. But my aunt said she needed a jump start."

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now