[4.2] MAGIC BULLET: act two

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Early morning.

A scream pierces the house. But it's a shriek of delight as Allison nearly tackles Kate with a hug. Argent calls out from another room.


She lets Kate go, both of them laughing, ecstatic to see each other. Kate has been unpacking her things, bags everywhere.

"Okay, I don't see you for a year and you turn into a freaking runway model? Look at you. I hate you." Kate jokes

"I haven't even showered yet." Allison blushes

"You're a knockout. I hope you have boys knocking each other's teeth out for your attention."

"I sort of have one." Allison informs her with a grin.

"You should sort of have a million." Kate smiles

"Need any help unpacking?" Allison offers

She reaches for one of the bags, a large black one. But Kate grabs her wrist.

It's quick.


"Not that one." Kate says. Allison pulls her hand away, rubbing at her wrist. "See what I mean? You turn out beautiful and I grow up with a KungFu death grip. Sorry to be so rough." Kate apologizes.

"No worries. Everything okay with your car?" Allison asks as Kate moves into the guest bathroom.

"Yeah. Just needed a jump start." Kate informs her.

Allison glances up with a curious look as the door closes.


Knees bouncing nervously underneath his desk, Scott watches the teacher return graded tests, coming closer and closer. Behind him, Stiles leans forward to whisper making Alycia, who's sitting next to him, look up.

"If Derek's not the Alpha... if he's not the one who bit you... and made Alycia turn into— whatever she is... who did?" He asks

"I don't know." Scott sighs.

Stiles sits back, thinking. He leans forward again.

"Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?"

"I don't know."

Stiles flops back. Leans forward again.

"Does Allison's dad know about the Alpha?"

"I Don't Know!" Scott raises his voice.

He slinks down in his seat when he realizes everyone is staring at him. The teacher finally drops his test on his desk. He turns it over to see a big D- and a message: Not like you! What's happening? See me after class.

Stiles and Alycia peer over his shoulder at the grade.

"Dude, you need to study more." Stiles says.

Scott puts his head in hands, overwhelmed.

"And that was a not so funny joke, right Stiles?" Alycia asks glaring at him. When he nods she continues. "Scott, It's one test. You're gonna make it up. You need help studying?" She offers him.

"I'm studying with Allison at her house after school." Scott tells them.

"That's my boy." Stiles says with a proud smile.

"We're just studying."

"No, you're not."

"No, I'm not?" Scott repeats confused.

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