[7.7] NIGHT SCHOOL: act seven

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Amid a flurry of police activity in the school parking lot, Sheriff Stilinski talks with Scott and Stiles.

"You sure it was Derek Hale?" Stilinski asks looking at Scott.

Scott nods. Stilinski turns to Stiles for confirmation.

"I saw him too." Stiles nods.

"What about the janitor?" Scott asks.

"We're still looking for him." The sheriff states.

"You looked under the bleachers? Under them?"

"There was nothing there, Scott. We pulled out the bleachers just like you asked." Sheriff gives him a tight smile.

"I'm not making this up." Scott sighs.

"And i believe you, i do."

"No, you don't. You have that look. Like you feel bad for me. Like you want to believe me. But i know you don't." Scott runs his hand through his hair, feeling frustrated.

"I hear you. And we're going to look over the whole school, i promise." Stilinski assures the young boy.

"Sheriff! Sheriff, we need you here. The girl woke up." A voice calls out.

Both Stiles and Scott try to step forward, but are stopped by the Sheriff.

"I'm the Sheriff, reminder. Don't worry, when i'm done with her, i'll let you know." The sheriff gives his son and Scott one last look before walking away.

"We survived, dude. We outlasted the Alpha. That's still good, right? Being alive?" Stiles turns to Scott with a big smile.

Scott shakes his head, sitting down on the school steps.

"We were in the chemistry room and it walked right by us. You don't think it heard us? You don't think it knew exactly where we were?" Scott asks looking up at his best friend.

"Then why are we still alive?"

"Because it wants me in its pack. Because he wants Alycia in his pack. But i think first i have to get rid of my old pack." Scott stands up, furrowing his eyebrows.

"What? What old pack?" Stiles looks confused.

"You. Allison. Jackson and Lydia."

"The Alpha doesn't want to kill us..." Stiles looks down, starting to understand what he's trying to say.

"He wants me to do it."

And for once, Stiles doesn't know how to respond.

"That's not the worst part."

"How the holy hell is that not the worst part?" Stiles furrows his eyebrows.

"Because when he made me shift... I wanted to do it. I wanted to kill you. All of you. And that's not everything... I saw fire, like- like i was trying to set you guys on fire."

"Fire? Al-Alycia kept saying something about burning us to death... you don't think it could be—"
As the words sink in on Stiles, Scott glances past him.

A look of shock comes to his face. Stiles follows Scott past officers and crime scene technicians to an ambulance where someone is being checked out by an EMT.

Deaton looks up.

"There you are."

"How... How did you..." Scott looks confused.

"Get out? Not easily. And from what they've been telling me, i'm alive because of you." With a warm smiles the older man continues. "I think i owe you a raise, but don't tell your sister." He whispers the last part.

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now