[7.2] NIGHT SCHOOL: act two

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Down the sidewalk from her home, Allison looks from one end of the street to the next, still waiting for Scott. Her phone rings and she puts it to her ear.

"Lydia says we're coming to get you." Jackson says through the phone.

"Please, don't. I'm sure he's on his way. He's only..." She pauses to take a look at her phone. "26 minutes late."

"You hear that? First it's 'he's only 26 minutes late.' A month later it's 'he only hits me when he's drunk.' Slippery slope, Allison. Slippery slope." Lydia says.

"We're picking you up." Jackson says, not giving her a choice.


"Too late." Jackson pulls up in his Porsche with Lydia. He rolls down the window. Strangely, his face has lost the paleness, a healthier glow returning to his cheeks. "Lydia gets what Lydia wants." He states. Allison glances down the road again. Still no sign of Scott.  "Come on, get in. We can stop by his place and see if he's there." Jackson suggests.

Allison finally gives a reluctant sigh. But the moment she opens the door to get in the back, her phone buzzes.

"Is that him with the best explanation ever of why he's half a freaking hour late?" Lydia asks, raising her eyebrows.

Allison eyes her phone with a curious gaze.

"Not exactly."


Feet flying across the floor, Scott, Alycia and Stiles race for the exit at the end of the hall. They reach the fire door handles at the same time, pushing down and shoving forward.

The doors open, but only an inch, clanging against something behind them. Pushing again, they hear the same metallic clang. Something is on the other side, blocking the doors.

"What the hell?" Stiles breaths out.

Scott peers out the open inch of the door.

"It's a dumpster. A garbage dumpster." He informs them.

The three of them slowly retreat a few steps.

"He pushed it in front of the doors-" Stiles starts but is cut off by the female, who continues.

"- to trap us in."

Stiles turns, backing into the door, trying to push off from his feet and move the dumpster behind it.

"Help me." he says

The foor clangs against the dumpster again and again as he keeps trying to muscle it open.

"Stiles, stop." Alycia orders.

"I'm not dying here, I'm especially not dying in school." Stiles shakes his head.

"We're not going to die." Alycia assures him.

"Then what's it doing? What does it want?"

"Me and maybe Alycia.  Derek says it's stronger with a pack." Scott sighs.

"Oh, Great. A psychotic werewolf who's into teamwork. That's- that's beautiful." Stiles says with his usual amount of sarcasm.

They retreat from the doors again, looking down the other end of the hall

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They retreat from the doors again, looking down the other end of the hall. But their cautious progression comes to a halt when Scott pauses. He turns to the wall of windows at the side of the corridor looking out on the courtyard and opposite side of the school.

On the roof, a figure crouches in the darkness, red eyes gazing directly at them.

Scott, Alycia and Stiles start moving, running, nearly stumbling over each other as the Alpha bounds from one level of the roof to the next, landing and leaping in the same instant as Scott, Alycia and Stiles race ahead.

Behind them glass explodes into the hallway, the Alpha crashing back into the school.

Scott grabs Stiles and Alycia, pulling them to the adjacent stairwell.

"Down, down." He orders.

They race into the lower level of the school, running for safety.


Jackson's Porsche swerves into the lot. He gets out of the driver's side, pulling the seat up to let Allison out. They both glance at the Jeep parked a few spaces away.

"What are they doing here anyway?" Jackson asks, confused.

"All i got was this..." Allison answers. She holds up her cell phone to show him a text:

Meet me at the school - Scott

"They lock the doors at night, you know." Lydia informs them.

"That one looks open." Allison points to the door lying open. The bolt cutters sit upright against it, carefully placed there to hold it open. Almost as if welcoming Allison into the school.

"You don't need me to state the obvious, right?" Jackson asks.

"That it looks like they broke into the school? No, pretty obvious." Allison says.

"You want me to come with you?"

"It's okay." She shakes her head.


She pauses, turning back to him.

"You have this look like you're about to say 'be careful'."

"I am" He admits. She gives him a smile, surprising him. "What?"

"That concerned look on you. I've never seen it before." Allison laughs.

"I am concerned."

"It's a good look for you." She smiles. From the Porsche, Lydia notices the moment between them. And clearly doesn't like it.  "Don't worry. I'll be right back." Allison assures him.

As she steps into the dark corridor, the bolt cutters slip, falling to the pavement... allowing the door to clatter shut.


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yea... i decided to write one chapter today.

I mean im getting a lot of love from you guys, so i'm giving it back.

i love you


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