[4.4] MAGIC BULLET: act four

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Scott helps Allison set the table.

"He doesn't hate you. He's just protective." Allison tries to assure him.

"He hates me." Scott mutters, ignoring her.

"I wouldn't call it hate."

"Intense dislike?" Scott suggests

"That's closer to it." Allison mutter.

"Should I just not say anything?"

"No, I want you to say stuff. Just don't say anything stupid." She continues when he gives her a look. "Not that you're going to. Just be the amazingly charming, sweet guy you always are. Be yourself. He'll like you if you're confident."

"Do I look confident?" Scott asks looking at her.

"You will when you stop sweating."

"Oh god." Scott wipes his forehead with his palm.

"You'll be great. I'm not worried." Allison tells him

As she turns toward the kitchen, her face reveals she's not at all worried.

She's terrified.

Scott sits by Allison's side, nervously glancing at Argent Kate and Mrs. Argent. They eat. Quietly. Scott's phone vibrates. It's Alycia calling again. He hits ignore.

"You want something to drink other than water, Scott?" Mrs. Argent asks.

"I'm good, thanks." Scott smiles

"We could get you a beer." Argent offers.

"No, thank you." Scott declines again.

"Shot of tequila?"

"Really, Dad?" Allison rolls her eyes.

"You don't drink, Scott?" He asks

"I'm not old enough to." Scott mutters

"That doesn't seem to stop many teenagers." Mrs. Argent says taking a bite.

"No, but it should." Scott says

"Good answer. Total lie, but well played, Scott. You may yet survive the night." Kate joins the conversation. She gives him a short smile.

He smiles back at her, silently thanking god for her.

"You ever smoke pot?" Argent asks out of nowhere.

"Okay, changing the channel to something little less conservative." Kate gives her brother a look. She turns to Scott and continues. "Allison says you're on the lacrosse team. I don't know much about it. How do you play?"

"You know hockey? It's kind of like that only on grass instead of ice." Scott answers nervously. All eyes are turned towards him.

"Hockey on grass is called field hockey." Argent informs him.

"Oh... oh yeah."

"So it's like field hockey except the sticks have nets." Allison helps him out.

"Exactly." Scott nods.

His phone vibrates again. He pulls it out to look at it under the table. It's a text from Alycia.

Alycia: call me!!

"Can you slap check like hockey?" Kate asks

"Yeah. But only with the gloves or stick." Scott answers.

"Sounds violent." She adds. "I like it." After a pause.

"Scott's amazing too. Dad was at the first game with me. Wasn't he good?" Allison turns toward her father.

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