[3.4] PACK MENTALITY: act four

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A beacon hills Deputy Sheriff Cruiser pulls up to the end of the driveway, engine turning off. In the backseat a German Shepherd pants, tongue lolling out of its mouth.

The deputy gets out while speaking into his radio.

"Looks pretty deserted. Does he want me to take a look inside?" The deputy asks

"Unit sixteen, it's county property. Order is to make sure it's vacant." The dispatch answers through the radio.

"I don't think anybody's home." Deputy answers bringing the radio to his mouth.

"For the love of god, sixteen, go inside and see if anyone's there." The dispatch sighs

"Copy that."

The deputy holds a nervous stare on the dilapidated house. He glances around, noticing how utterly alone he is. Gathering his nerve, he starts toward the house. Then he abruptly stops.

His eyes flit left and right as if he heard something. I latching the clip on his gun, he starts off again.

Inside the cruiser, the German Shepherd puts its nose to the cracked window. It cocks its head toward the window of the house, where Derek stands. His eyes begin to fill with a blue glow, like florescent liquid pouring into his irises.

As the deputy cautiously approaches the house, a bark makes him flinch. He throws an irritated glance back at his German Shepherd and waves a hand at it.

But inside the cruiser, the dog starts whining, pacing in the rear seat. It lets loose a flurry of barking.

"Hey, what is it, boy?" The deputy asks the dog

The barking turns panicky, the dog desperately trying to get out of the car.

"What the hell..." the deputy mutters

The dog's whines turn to yips, strangled cries.

"Okay, I'm coming, I'm coming!" The deputy says

Now just as panicked, the deputy jumps in, realizing the best thing to do is just get out of there. Which he does. The Cruiser tears off, kicking up dirt down the road.

Through the window of the house, Derek allows himself a subtle but satisfied smile. Until he notices someone standing amid the settling dust...


He doesn't move to approach, however. Instead, he just speaks.

"I know you can hear me" Scott whispers

Derek's ears twitch as he picks up Scott's voice.

"I need your help." Scott continues


Scott steps inside. The house is a disaster. Walls blackened by smoke and flame, rippled, buckling hardwood floors ruined by water.

"Nice place." Scott lies. Derek stares at him. Waiting. "Okay, I know I was part of you getting arrested. And that we basically announced you being here to the hunters. And I also don't know what happened with your sister..."

He looks at Derek to see if he's going to fill in the blanks. He doesn't. So Scott keeps going.

"But I think I did something last night. I had this dream about... someone. But someone else got hurt. And it turns out that part of the dream might have actually happened."

"You think you attacked the driver." Derek states

"How do you know everything? Are you constantly keeping an eye on me? Did you see what I did last night?" Scott asks

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now