[6] HEART MONITOR: act one

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Scott drags plastic bags full of groceries into a dimly lit parking garage, next to him is Alycia. After a moment of walking the rows, they pause. With several confused glances it becomes obvious to Alycia.

Scott can't remember where he parked.

"Seriously?" Alycia sighs. "You forgot where you parked the car?" She gives him a look.

"Crap." Scott mutters. He turns to his sister. "Why should I be the one doing everything, like dragging the bags and remembering where we parked. Besides, you were in the same car, can't you, like, use your big brain and remember?"

"That's not how my brain works." She rolls her eyes at him.

Hurrying forward, they look from car to car.

Scott comes to a halt, still lost. He starts back the other way when he stops again.

Putting the bags down, he pulls out his mother's car keys. He holds them up, clicking the alarm button.

"Smart." Alycia says, coming up to stand behind him.

While listening for the beep, a plastic bottle of milk rolls out of one of the bags. Scott moves to grab it but it slips under a car.

"Dammit." He mutters.

He kneels down to reach under, feeling blindly beneath the car. Then something odd happens...

The bottle rolls back.

Milk spurts onto the pavement from punctured holes in its side. The McCall sibling stare at the bottle as it drifts to a stop.

Visibly trembling now, Scott slowly rises to a standing position.

He turns, grabs Alycia and runs for it.

Pounding the pavement, he shoots a terrified glance back to see a dark shape hurtle out from behind a parked car. Loping on all fours, it's coming right for them.

Scott tears around the next corner dragging Alycia with him. Diving into the shadows between columns, he holds still.

When he peers out, he sees nothing but parked cars. The garage lies silent except for his own and Alycia's  pounding hearts. Scott gazes down at his chest all too aware of the thumping.

Closing his eyes, he tries to calm his breathing. But his heart just won't settle. Then he hears something else...

A low animal growl.

"What the hell was that?" Alycia mutters, she too, is trying to calm her breathing.

Before Scott can answer, an ominous rumble stops him.

The source coming closer, moving between cars, hurtling forward.

"Stay here." He orders before darting out of the shadows.

Taking another corner, he glances about, an idea forming. He leaps onto the hood of a car, bouncing up and off it. The alarm starts blaring. He bumps another car, ricocheting off it and into an SUV, its alarm howling now as well.

Scott keeps hitting cars, a cacophony of beeps and wailing alarms filling the lot and masking his pounding heart.

He pulls back between two vehicles, next to Alycia, listening. He can't hear anything now but horns and sirens. It's working.

"Good one." Alycia praises him.

He gives her a smile until he hears a ringing in his jacket. His smile fades.

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