[3.3] PACK MENTALITY: act three

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Scott rushes in to find Dr. Alan Deaton at work in the examining room of the animal clinic.

"Sorry, sorry." Scott apologizes

"You're all of two minutes late. By the way, your sister called me and told me she won't be working today." Deaton informs the younger boy

"Just don't want you to think I'm slacking, and yeah she told me that already." Scott sighs

"Scott, I guarantee you're the least slacking kid in this town." Dr. Deaton assures him

But Scott is no longer listening. Instead, he gazes past the dutch door into the reception area, frozen in fear.

Sheriff Stilinski approaches, his pitch black aviator sunglasses concealing all emotion and intent.

It's happening. They're coming to arrest me Scott thinks

But when the lower half of the dutch door opens, a German shepherd limps in.

"Looks like somebody's ready to take that cast off" Deaton smiles

Scott gazes down at the police dog, a cast on its front leg.

"Staying out of trouble Scott?" The sheriff asks

Able to breath again, he manages a nod to the sheriff.

Moments later while Deaton attends to the dog, Stilinski pulls out a digital camera to show him photos.

"Just have a look. Sacramento can't seem to determine the animal." Stilinski breaths out

"I'm not exactly an expert..." Taking a look at the photos, Deaton continues. "Huh. Interesting. This guy was attacked in a bus?"

Scott approaches, craning his neck to see but he catches only glimpses of ragged wounds.

"We did find wolf hairs on Laura Hale's body." Stilinski informs the doctor

"A wolf?" Scott asks causing Deaton and Stilinski to turn to him. "I mean... I think, I read somewhere that there haven't been wolves in California in like sixty years."

"True enough. But wolves are highly migratory. They could have wandered in from another state driven by impulse or a strong enough memory." Deaton says

"Wolves have memories?" Scott asks coming closer, trying to get another look at the camera's LCD screen, but it's constantly just out of his view.

"Longer term memories, yes. If associated with a primal drive." Deaton answers. Turning to Stilinski he continues. "See this one here. Those are claw marks. A wolf would've gone for the throat or the spinal cord with its teeth."

"So probably a mountain lion?" The sheriff asks

"I don't know. A wolf could chase down its prey and hobble it, tearing at the ankles." Deaton sighs

"The ankles?" Scott asks frowning


In Scott's dream he grabs Allison by the ankles, dragging her down.


"And then the throat." Deaton continues. With an unnerving smile, he hands the camera back to Stilinski.


Melissa McCall looks up from behind the front desk as Scott enters holding a plastic bag.

"Is my son actually bringing me dinner? Maybe you should learn from your older brother Alycia." Mommy McCall says to her daughter, who's sitting on one of the chairs.

✓ 1. time and glass - teen wolf  ᵈᵉʳᵉᵏ ʰᵃˡᵉWhere stories live. Discover now