[8] LUNATIC: act one

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Under the light of an almost full moon, Scott follows Stiles and Alycia down a dark path through the woods.

"Can you guys at least tell me what we're doing out here?" He asks anxiously.

"When your best friend gets dumped-"

"I didn't get dumped. We're taking a break." Scott corrects the sarcastic boy.

"When your brother gets told by his girlfriend that they're taking a break..." Alycia starts, pulling out a bottle of Jack Daniels from Stiles' backpack. "You get your brother drunk." She exclaims.

She holds up the bottle of Jack with a big smile. When she sets it down on a rock...

It's half empty.

No telling how much time has passed, but long enough for Stiles to have gotten completely wasted. The three friends keep warm around a steel trash can with a fire blazing inside.

"Dude, she's one girl. There are plenty more girls in the sea." Stiles mutters.

"Fish in the sea." Alycia corrects rolling her eyes.

"What? Why are you talking about fish? I'm talking about girls. Especially ones with strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, five foot three..."

"Like Lydia?" The girl smirks.

"Exactly. How did you know i was talking about... What was i talking about?" Stiles furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "You don't look happy. Drink." He says after eyeing Scott.

"I don't want anymore." Scott declines.

"You're not drunk?"

"i'm not drunk either." Alycia mutters.

"I'm not anything." Scott sighs.

He stares into the fire. The glow from the flames flickering over his face.

"Maybe it's like not needing your inhaler anymore. Maybe you can't get drunk, neither can you Al." Stiles starts thinking again and asks "Am i drunk?"

" Stiles starts thinking again and asks "Am i drunk?"

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"You're wasted dude." Alycia says.

"yeaaaah." He holds his hand out for a fist bump. Gets nothing in return. "Dude, i know it feels bad. But you gotta' remember. As much as being broken up hurts... being alone is even worse. Wait a minute. That didn't come out right. I need another drink."

He reaches for the bottle again, but a hand grabs it first

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He reaches for the bottle again, but a hand grabs it first. Stiles steps back, looking up in surprise.

Two twenty-somethings, the larger is Reddick, an unfortunate combination of muscle and antisocial behavior. His friend is a troll named Unger.

"Well, look at the little bitches getting their drink on." Reddick says, smirking.

Stiles steps away as Unger laughs with an obnoxious tittering. Scott keeps his gaze leveled with Reddick.

Alycia stands up, gaze hard.

"Give it back." She says, anger in her voice.

"What's that, little princess?"

"I think she wants a drink and a good fuck." Under laughs.


"Scott, i can handle it." She gives Scott a smile before turning back to the two arses. "I want the bottle."

Alycia doesn't move. Doesn't even blink. Not a trace of fear on her. Unger laughs again.

"Al, let's just go." Stiles mutters.

The next words leave Alycia's mouth with an unnerving calm to it.

"You brought us here to get us drunk, Stiles. We're not drunk yet."

Uneasy, Reddick challenges her by taking a shot. When he lowers the bottle, he eyes Alycia with a satisfied smirk. But it fades when Alycia starts walking closer. Her approach is calm. Deliberate.

"Give me the bottle."

Reddick looks to Unger. But his friend is no longer laughing. Something unnerving about Alycia's total calm. Then, as Reddick raises the bottle to take another sip...

Alycia steps closer and her eyes change, burning with a oranger flame.

"Give me. The bottle. Of Jack."

Staring into Alycia's flame eyes, Reddick slowly and shakily holds the bottle out.

Just a few feet away, Stiles and Scott notice Alycia's right hand, burning orange flames. Her fingers tense as if preparing to burn the two.

"Al." Stiles whispers.

Hand snapping forward, Alycia grabs the bottle of Jack out of Reddick's hand and turns, launching it through the air. It smashes against a tree, exploding into a million shards and flames.

"Alycia!" Scott yells this time.


Shoes snapping twigs underfoot, Alycia heads into the preserve parking lot with Scott and Stiles at her heels.

"Please tell me that was because of the full moon, or better yet because of Derek's death." Stiles says.

Alycia pauses at the Jeep to help Stiles in to the passenger side. Stiles falls back onto the seat, on the verge of passing out. She climbs into the jeep, next to Stiles.

"Going home now. Yeah?" Scott mutters.

But Alycia keeps a hand on the door. Her eyes gazing back to the dark woods.


Unger is laying down, slumped against a tree. Covered in both blood and burns.

Reddick, on the other hand, is face first shoved into the flames. He stops screaming. Snuffed out.


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well that's an update for you guys:)


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