[6.2] HEART MONITOR: act two

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Scott hurries into his room, slams the door shut and locks it. Then goes to each window, locking them as well. He pulls the shades. Breathing hard, he turns around and screams.

Derek stands right in front of him.

"You seriously need to stop doing that." Scott exclaims.

"What happened? Did he talk to you?" Derek ignores him.

"Yeah, we had a nice conversation about the weather." Derek stares at him, unmoving, unblinking. "No, he didn't talk." Scott adds.

"Did you get anything off him? An impression?"

"What do you mean?" Scott asks confused.

"Remember your other senses are heightened. Communication doesn't have to be spoken. What kind of feeling did you get from him?" Derek asks.

"Anger." Scott answers after a long pause.

"Focused on you?"

"Not me. But definitely anger. I could feel it. Especially when he drew the spiral."

"The what? What did you say?" Derek comes closer.

"He drew a spiral onto my car window. In the condensation." Scott explains. When he sees the look on Derek's face he continues. "What? You have this look like you know what it means."

"It's nothing." Derek goes for the door, opening it.

"Whoa, wait a second. You can't do that. You can't ask me to trust you and then just keep things to yourself." Scott says.

"It doesn't mean anything." Derek lies.

"You buried your sister under a spiral. What does it mean?" Scott raises his eyebrows.

Derek pauses, looking as if he might actually tell him.

"You don't want to know."

Now he leaves. This time Scott lets him go. Alone again, he sits down on his bed, slowly falling back onto the sheets. Exhausted he closes his eyes.


Derek closes Scott's door behind him, when he hears the bedroom door, next to Scott's, open.

Alycia walks out, bat in her hands.


"Why do you have a bat?" Derek asks, sounding a little amused.

"Why do you have a bat?" Derek asks, sounding a little amused

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"I- I heard Scott screaming." Alycia sighs.

"Don't worry, he's fine." Derek assures her.

"Okay." Alycia breaths out, looking down. She narrows her eyes and looks back up at him. "What are you doing here?"

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