Important Notice: Feb 2021

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Hello, as of February 2021, I have decided to completely re-edit this story. This story was created when I was the ripe old age of 15. I adore this world within worlds that I created for myself, but re-reading back some of this has made me realise how much my writing style has evolved over the years. This was my first proper attempt at fanfiction, and the fact that it has done so well leaves me with so many feelings.

For one, I am so grateful. I am so happy to everyone who clicked on this little corner of the internet and interacted and contributed to this safe space that I made for myself. To have a little community of people who inspired and supported me back when things were hard. I do not know if those people are still around now, but I want them to know that I was and still am so thankful for that. And to everyone who still reads it, it honestly brings such a smile to my face.

But when I re-read some of this back, I am reminded of how inexperienced I was. Some things just do not make sense, or just do not fit into my writing style anymore. I want this to be a work that I can be fully proud of, and as of right now, I do not think I could finish it and be fully satisfied with the outcome. I actually moved to AO3 a few years back, so coming back here and re-reading this made me realise just how much I have changed.

There will not be any major changes to the story, but I will be going back and re-working chapters to better reflect my writing style as of now, such as re-phrasing and a general clean up of parts that I am dissatisfied with. I hope that you can appreciate that this is an incredibly long story, so will take me some few weeks to get it exactly right before I can continue to create new chapters. I am determined to give my readers a piece that they can be satisfied with and to give them the best experience possible, as well as a FINISHED product. I am determined to complete this story, and to give my teenage self as well as all my readers, a closure.

It is crazy to me that there are still so many people here who enjoy my content and I want to give those people the best quality that I can. Something that 15-year-old me would have wanted to become. Something that I, now aged 21, can also be proud of.

So, I hope that you can all stick with me for a little longer and please know that I love and appreciate you all. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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