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I turned towards the fellowship who were in stunned silence.

"I think it's time you answered some questions, lass." Gimli said to break the tension in the air.

"How do you know black speech? Nobody knows black speech. Except Gandalf of course." Said Pippin.

"I was raised around the language of black speech." Was all I said. I had to choose my words carefully as I didn't want them to kill me before I had a chance to explain.

"Why? Where are you from? How did you defeat the ringwraiths like that?" Boromir bombarded me with questions.

"I... Have powers. They get stronger with every day that my..." I paused. ""

"Spit it out lass!" Gimli huffed.

"My father gets stronger. I get stronger when he gets stronger. I can read minds, speak to people through my mind, move objects without touching them. I can..." I stopped there.

"And..." Boromir said slowly. "Who is your father?"

Many thoughts raced around my brain. Do I tell them? Do I not? They deserve to know! But they'll kill you! Shut up Raina you're not part of this! Wait what? They need to know. They will understand. I want to destroy my father just as much as they do. It's better to tell them now, earlier on, than them finding out further down the line.

I took a deep breath and sighed. "I am Sauron's daughter." I hung my head in shame.


The news had not gone down well. The hobbits stepped away from me in fear, Boromir attempted to murder me by running at me with his sword. Legolas stopped him. Gimli looked shocked, but he still trusted me as I journeyed with his father and his father knew me well.  Gandalf stopped the bickering before it began and ordered everyone to set up camp while he explained everything. I stayed on the outskirts of camp. I did not need to hear my shameful history again. Boromir sent me an occasional glower, Aragorn gave me a look of sympathy. The hobbits looked terrified.

"How long is she going to stay here? She should be banished! That wench could ruin everything!" Boromir exclaimed.

"Hold your tongue Boromir!" Gandalf snapped. "You judge her too harshly. She is nothing like her father! I have known her for centuries, she is my oldest friend! She joined this quest full knowing that if that ring is destroyed, she could be destroyed with it! She would do anything to rid her father of the face of this earth!"

"What is she?" Aragorn asked.

"She is half elf, half evil. Her mother died giving birth. Sauron found out about the child and took it into the dungeons of Baradur. She spent her childhood growing up there. She was brainwashed into killing people until I found her and reversed the spell. And I fear that sauron will try to control her again. If he finds her and the ring, he would be unstoppable. She would be his attack dog. Her elven side and her evil side are fighting for control of her mind. She named the evil side ' the pheonix'. It lies dominant for now. If she loses, it could ruin the fate of many.

Sauron's Daughter (A lord of the rings / Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now