Scars Of The Past.

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~Raina's POV~

I decided to get some sleep. I knew Gandalf would let no harm befall me. Or Legolas. I still resented him slightly for locking us up in Mirkwood, but then again, he was just following orders. I layed out my bedroll. I looked towards the fellowship. The hobbits were looking at me and whispering to each other. Boromir was scowling at me, but there was a look of... Regret? I ignored them and tried to enter the world of dreams.

"I will find you! You shall kill again! You shall not escape me, daughter!" A whisper sneered.
"No! You won't own me! Not again! I won't kill for you!" I screamed back.
"Do you remember the faces? Do you remember those you murdered? The men, women and children?" Sauron asked. "Because I do, child!" Images of mutilated bodies littered the floor of the village. Echos of screaming filled the air. A girl stood in the centre of it all, a malicious grin plastered on her face. Her eyes were glowing orange, black smoke swirled at her feet as she killed anyone who got in her way. It was me.
"Noooooooo!" I yelled.

End of dream.

I shot up from my nightmare with my sword drawn. He was coming for me. He was going to try again!


~Boromir POV~

Boromir was on watch when he heard a gasp. Raina was sat bolt upright with her sword drawn, waiting for an attack. He stared at her. How could so much evil show so much beauty? In his heart, he knew she posed no threat to the fellowship. But what of the pheonix? That was her opposite, her evil dominant side. Could she control it?

Raina looked up. There was fear in her eyes. Had I caused that when I tried to hurt her? I looked away. There must be something I could do.

"Are you alright?" I asked. She looked at me, confused, but said nothing. "Look, I'm sorry if I startled you. I thought you were a threat." I said again.

"You did not startle me. Many have tried to kill me in the past. Some succeeded." She replied solemnly.

"What do you mean?" I asked, curiously.

"I cannot die. I am immortal. While my father lives, I live. When he dies, I may die. But it is a price I am willing to pay for peace. Gandalf believes that maybe it might just be the pheonix that dies and that I myself would remain mortal for the rest of my life. Either way, I am tired of being dragged back from death back to this dark and unforgiving world." Boromir stayed still shocked by her attitude towards herself. She felt guilty for living.

"I am sorry if I judged you too harshly. It is only now that I see you are nothing like Sauron. But you must know, you deserve to be here just as much as everyone else. You are loved in this world. Never forget that."

Sauron's Daughter (A lord of the rings / Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now