The Council

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Bold: black speech

Italics: Sauron speaking to Raina


I was greeted by Elrond as I rode through the gates.

"Mae govannen (welcome) Raina" he said with a smile.

"My Lord Elrond it is a pleasure to see you again." I said respectfully. He led me inside and showed me to a room.

"This shall be your room throughout your stay. I hope you will be comfortable here. The council will be tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you" I replied graciously. Elrond nodded then left the room. The room itself was medium size. It had a big bed in the centre with white silk sheets. There was a fireplace and even a balcony. The walls had neutral colours and it all seemed peaceful and relaxing. I unpacked my bag and slid into the covers. I was exhausted and just needed to sleep.


"Raina!" A voice whispered.  "come child. Come back to me. You shall be powerful again! You shall be mine! With you and the ring I shall be unstoppable... unstoppable.... UNSTOPPABLE!"

End of dream.

I woke with a start. He really was back. But there was only one way to know for sure. I was born with limitless powers and limitless potential but when Isildur destroyed him, I lost them. I climbed out of bed. An empty vase stood on the table. I concentrated on it. It began to move. I gasped. The vase smashed onto the floor. My powers were back! I stood in the centre of the room in shock. He really was back and hes stronger than ever! I sunk to my knees. Curse you father!


The council were already forming when I arrived. I had gotten dressed into a red elven dress and had my black cloak on. I had combed my raven hair into a side braid and I sat in my seat at the edge of the council.

Elrond and Gandalf were last to arrive and they had a dark haired hobbit with them. He seemed troubled. They took their seats.

"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old, I summon you here to answer the threat of Mordor. You will unite or you will fall. Bring forth the ring, Frodo." The dark haired hobbit got up and placed a golden ring onto the stone table in the centre of the circle. He then sat back down. The ring began to whisper. Gandalf kept a close eye on me. I squeezed my eyes shut in an attempt to block out the voice. It didn't work. I can't give away my identity, not yet. The whispers began to die down.

"In a dream," a sandy haired man began. "I saw the eastern sky grow dark." He began to move towards the ring. "but in the west a pale light lingered. A voice was crying..." He stepped closer. He stared at the ring, mesmerised. "The doom was near at hand. Isildur's bane is found." Elrond and Gandalf looked at each other. The man reached for the ring. I looked at Elrond, panicked.

"Boromir!" Elrond shouted. Gandalf began chanting in black speech. The ring echoed him. I clutched my head. The pheonix was coming. He was slowly being released from the mental barrier I made to stop him from controlling me. My eyes changed colour to orange with a black pupil, like the eye of Sauron. I hid my face. The sandy haired man, Boromir stood back alarmed. I stood up. "Gandalf! Daro! (stop!)" My eyes shone bright but I made sure I was facing Gandalf and that only he and Elrond could see. They both looked alarmed and Gandalf ceased chanting. My eyes went back to normal. The Pheonix was caged... For now. Elrond sighed. "never before has any voice uttered the words of that tongue here in Imladris." Elrond said angrily.

"I do not ask your pardon, my lord Elrond for the black speech of Mordor may yet be heard in every corner of the west! The ring is altogether evil!" Gandalf replied. I sat back down.

"It is a gift." Boromir argued. "Why not use this ring? Long has my father, the steward of Gondor kept the forces of Mordor at bay! Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against him!" I stood up. "You cannot wield it. None of us can. The one ring answers to Sauron alone," I thought it would be wise not to mention that I could wield it, being Sauron's daughter and all. Few know who I am. "It has no other master!" I finished. Gandalf gave me a knowing look, but kept silent.

"What would a woman know of this matter? This concerns men, not you." He retorted. Within the blink of an eye, I was at Boromir's side with my sword drawn. "Do not provoke me, it may be the last thing you ever do." I replied coldly. "How- How did you get over to me so fast?" Boromir stuttered. I smirked, being the daughter of evil did have it's perks. I have lightening fast speed and agility.

"Raina is right, we cannot use it." Gandalf interrupted. "Sit down now Raina" Gandalf said warningly. I sighed and returned to my seat.

"You have but one choice: the ring must be destroyed." Elrond said.

"What are we waiting for?" Said a red haired dwarf, getting his axe. Oh no. he isn't going to try to...?

He raised his axe and struck the ring. The ring deflected the blow. My head burned and the eye of Sauron entered my mind. The ring whispered and I clutched my head and let out a soft whimper. Foolish dwarf. He could have ruined my mental block!

"The ring cannot be destroyed Gimli, son if Glóin, by any craft we here possess. It must be taken deep into mordor and cast back in the fiery chasm from whence it came. One of you must do this." Silence pursued the circle. I knew Gimli's father. I shall have to catch up with him sometime.

"One does not simply walk into Mordor. Not with 10,000 men could you do it. It is folly!"

"Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond just said?!" Legolas questioned. I hadn't seen him in over 50 years! I'll have to catch up with him after the meeting. "The ring must be destroyed!"

"And I suppose you think you're the one to do it!" Gimli shouted. "I will be dead before I see the ring in the hands of an elf!" This caused uproar amongst the 2 races. Everyone got up and began to argue with one another. Only myself, Gandalf, Lord Elrond, Frodo and... Strider were still sat down. I gave a weary look towards Strider and he gave me a look of recognition before giving me a small smile. Gandalf had had enough.

"Do you not understand that while we bicker Sauron's power grows?" He shouted angrily. The ring began to chant. It was enjoying the chaos. We have to stop this! I noticed the hobbit wearing a determined look on his face and I knew what he was going to do. I gave him an encouraging smile. He noticed this and stood up.

"I will take it." Frodo said amongst the noise. Everyone quieted. "I will take the ring to Mordor. Although, I do not know the way" he finished sadly.

"I will help you bear this burden, as long as it is yours to bear." Said Gandalf.

"You have my sword" said Strider. "I will not leave you now when we have come this far."

"I'm sorry but, who on middle-earth are you?!" Asked Boromir, rudely. "You are nothing but a ranger."

"This is no mere ranger! He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance!" Yelled Legolas.  Boromir scowled.

"This is Isildur's heir?" He asked. "Gondor needs no king!" I gasped. He was heir to the throne of Gondor! Aragorn seemed to ignore his comment.

"You have my bow, young hobbit." Announced Legolas.

"And my axe." Said Gimli.

"You carry the fates of us all, little one," said Boromir, and scowled at Aragorn "if this is indeed the will of the council, then Gondor will see it done.

"I will join you Frodo, and help you along this journey." I said gently. "You need not carry this burden alone." Boromir looked like he was about to protest but one look I gave him told him to keep quiet.

Out of the blue 3 more hobbits appeared out of the bushes and announced they were going no matter what. I smiled at their courage.

"10 companions. So be it. You shall be The Fellowship of the Ring!" Elrond announced.

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