Arguments and Disagreements

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We boarded the boats we were going to use for our journey across the river. I was sharing a boat with Legolas and Gimli, since there was a distinct weight difference. Not to mention the bickering that would undoubtedly happen if they were left to their own affairs. Having said that, the two had begun to learn to live with one another and cooperate much easier than before.

As we made our way down the river, my thoughts drifted to the event two nights previous. Me and Aragorn... kissed?! No. I shouldn't have. It was a mistake. I miss Kili... and then Aragorn just came along and... no. Kili, always. That is what I told Bilbo, I couldn't just betray Kili like that? I loved him!

The words Bilbo expressed back in Rivendell entered my mind:

"...You must not waste you remaining days when they have lost theirs..."

I cannot deny that it felt right that night with Aragorn, but it will take time. I cannot forget Kili. I will never forget Kili.


We docked the boats on a pebbly beach of sorts and started to make camp. I had yet to speak to Aragorn after... that night. However, a few awkward glances have been exchanged over the last few days.

It had grown into nightfall when I heard the thoughts of someone or something nearby. And it wasn't one of the fellowship. I instantly jumped up from my bedroll and looked towards the river. I saw Boromir also looking in the direction I was facing.

A shadow floated downstream. To anybody who was not looking close enough, it could have been mistaken for just a log, but a hand clung onto that log, and it sent me on edge. I heard Aragorn's thoughts before I saw him.

"Gollum. He has tracked us since Moria. I had hoped we would lose him on the river. But he's too clever a waterman." He sighed.

"If he alerts the enemy to our whereabouts, it will make the crossing even more dangerous." Boromir said, a hint of worry in his tone. Frodo looked up fearfully.

"It will not come to that." I reassured.

"How would you know?" Boromir spat. He turned towards Aragorn as I sighed and bit back a snide remark. "Minas Tirith is the safer road." He said urgently. "You know that. From there we can regroup."

"Boromir..." I said warningly. He ignored me and continued.

"Strike out from a place of strength." He pleaded.

"There is no strength in Gondor that can avail us." Aragorn said quietly, in a deceptively calm tone.

Boromir began to get agitated. "You were quick enough to trust the elves. Have you so little faith in your own people?" He questioned, disbelieved. "Yes, there is weakness. There is frailty." Boromir admitted. "But there is courage also, and honor to be found in men." He seemed to be getting more worked up. I watched the exchange, not sure what to do. " But you will not see that." Aragorn went to turn away but Boromir grabbed him and roughly turned him to face him. "You are afraid!" He exclaimed. "All your life, you have hidden in the shadows."

"Boromir!" I shouted.

"Scared of who you are, of what you are!" He continued.

"Boromir, STOP!" I thrust my hand back, sending an invisible force crashing into him, bringing him to the ground. He struggles to stand up, and when he does, he leaps at Aragorn. I put a force field around Aragorn and Boromir crashes into it, like he had crashed into an invisible brick wall.

"Stop interfering! You no good wench!" He yelled at me.

"Tsk tsk, you really shouldn't aggravate the girl with the powers, I thought you had more sense than that Boromir. Where is your honour? This isn't you. Don't let it control you." I looked deep into his eyes, compelling him to see reason. I sent him a few comforting thoughts. His breathing calmed down and he blinked slowly, coming to his senses. I let the force field drop and heave out a sigh.

Aragorn looked towards Boromir in anger. "I will not lead the ring within a hundred leagues of your city." He snarled and turned to walk away. He sent a small smile my way, which I returned.

A/N: extra long chapter for the extra wait! And it's a double update which means you lovely readers will get another chapter tomorrow night! I'm back to normal updating times now ( every 3-4 days approx.)
I want to say A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has viewed/voted/commented/ read this story and gave me a chance. You all mean the world to me!! My story now has over a thousand reads! Which has just blown my mind by the way!
My question tonight: have you seen the new hobbit movie? What are your thoughts? Comment below! :-)

Thank you ever so much for reading! Love you all.


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