Respect My Wishes!

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AN: I AM BACK!!! I'm so sorry for not updating sooner! You can beat me with your sticks now.

~Still Aragorn POV~

My eyes darkened as she made eye contact with me and gulped. I tried to protect her! How could she do this?

We rode back to within the walls and dismounted our horses. I watched Raina attempt to go into the halls.

"Raina!" I called, not hiding the anger and betrayal in my tone. "A word. Now."

She nodded, following behind me. We entered a small uninhabited corridor and I sighed. "I don't even know where to start." I muttered.

"Then let me." She said, scowling slightly. "You drugged me, Aragorn! You forced me to stay in that cave against my will!"

"I was trying to protect you!" I shouted.

"You have to let me make my own decisions! You can't protect me from everything! It is I who has to protect you!"

"Raina, you are important and I had no other choice!"

"You DID have a choice! You could have chosen to respect my wishes. I can't let my Elven kin die when there's something I can do to stop it!" She lowered her voice. "If there was one good deed I could do in this world, it's to protect my kin. One good deed against the many sins I have committed against this Earth." She hung her head. "I don't regret my actions. Nor will I apologize for them."

I sighed, running a hand over my bloodied face. "I won't say that I'm not angry with you because I am." She nodded. "But there is not much that can be done now. Please, next time, just listen to me."

"You know I can't make that promise, Aragorn. I will not sit idly by whilst others fight for me." She walked past me and towards the armoury I let her go.


"My fellow warriors," Théoden boomed across the hall. It was nightfall now and we were all called to a meeting with the king. Raina was sat at the other end of the room with Legolas, ignoring me completely. "I have called you here to discuss our next move. Gandalf has informed me that the Ents have captured Saruman in his tower. It is our duty to stop his escape and hopefully persuade him to join our cause. Will you aid me at this crucial moment?"

A chorus of "Ayes" echoed throughout the walls.

"So be it."

AN: It's only a small chapter, I'm easing myself back in. But there is another chapter coming shortly and I PROMISE it is! The next chapter is actually the chapter I've been waiting to write since the beginning. You'll see why...

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