Torment and Death

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Dedicated to LeahJadeBrammer for reviewing!! THANK YOU! :-)

~Still Aragorn~

The first thing I knew, I was being forced backwards by a beam of bright orange light. I flew into the air and landed near a tree. If it had been a more powerful force, I would have been knocked unconscious by the trunk right now.

Raina had her arms outstretched, the light bursting out of her chest and snaking it's way around her arms, legs and neck. The light projected of her at a powerful force; so powerful it had knocked both Legolas and Gimli over too. As the orange glow twirled around the surface of her face, her eyes turned a lighter orange her pupils were no longer visible. Her eyes shone and the light surged out of her sockets. The wind whipped around her, causing her hair to waft around her head like medusa. She was very frightening like this, her sleeves were caught in the wind and flew around her, but she was strangely beautiful and mesmerizing. Then abruptly, the light stopped, zapping back into her body causing her to fly backwards. She did not move then.

"What in the whole of Middle-Earth... was THAT?!" Legolas asked in bewilderment. I did not answer him. Instead, I did what I tried to do before she stopped me, I ran to her.

"Raina! Raina wake up! Come on an ngell nîn! (Please!)" I urged, tapping her face lightly. She groaned slightly and groggily opened her eyes. "Man mathach? (What is wrong?)" I asked.

She groaned again. "Mani marte? Iston lle? (What happened? Do I know you?)"

"Raina it's us. Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn." Legolas answered in the common tongue, noticing Gimli was getting annoyed because he could not understand. She glanced at us blankly, before realization hit her and she inhaled a deep breath.

"I remember now. Sorry about that." She said, sheepishly, standing up.

"That's quite alright." I said and smiled, glad to have her back to her usual self. Then I noticed how close we were. We were barely inches apart. I cleared my throat and moved away quickly as she blushed, seeing our close proximity also.

Ever since Arwen had left for the undying lands, I felt empty. Not quite whole. But then she came. A girl. Feisty and full of life, which is unusual considering she is half elf herself and doesn't have many elvish traits. You do not want to cross her. She is strong and full of life, not to be messed with. And I liked that about her. She was almost the polar opposite of Arwen, she was mainly quiet and graceful. Arwen, always. That is what I told myself before this whole quest began. I could not just betray her? I loved her! But then the words Galadriel said in Lothlorien entered my mind.


"For you, Aragorn, I present a scabbard for your hunting knife." Galadriel said in her dreamy voice. It was made of tough elven material and was embroidered with swirling patterns and flowers. It was very beautiful.

"Thank you, my lady, for your kindness and hospitality." I said sincerely.

"You are very welcome. Arwen is taking the ship, is she not?" She asked.

'Yes, she belongs with her people. We talked it over and agreed it was for the best." I replied.

"I agree. She has made her choice. You were not bound to love her. Your true love is still out there. Follow your heart, and it will lead you straight to her. We shall not meet again, Ellesar."

~end of flashback~


We lay Boromir's body in one of the boats with his sword and horn. We watched as he slowly drifted away and down the waterfall. I sighed softly. "We should get going." I said quietly. Legolas and Gimli nodded and made their way back to the tree line. Raina did not move. "Come, we must move on. Enough time has been spent here." I said to her softly. She turned around and she had tears leaking from her eye.

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