Something Wrong

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Boromir turned towards me, guilt washing over his features. "I apologize for my behaviour. I do not know what came over me, it is inexcusable." He said, ashamedly.

"It is alright, Boromir. It wasn't you. The man I know would not act like that on purpose." I said. He smiled and turned to walk away. "Oh and Boromir?" I called, he turned to face me. "I suggest you leave Aragorn for a bit to calm down." He nodded before wandering off into the trees.


The next morning we were traveling down the river again. Boromir kept shooting glances at Aragorn who refused to look at him. They were behaving like children!

The narrower river that we were on stretched out into an even bigger river, fast flowing. And that is when I saw them. Two huge statues, towering over the river, engraved into the cliff face itself. Their hands stretched outward as a warning to the oncoming waterfall. Aragorn gazed at them in wonder. No doubt this was the first time he had seen them. He nudged Frodo and whispered to him. Frodo looked at the statues in awe. Similar looks spread across the fellowship's faces as we rowed under them.

We docked our boats on the shore and proceeded to make camp.

"We cross the lake at nightfall. Hide the boats and continue on foot." Aragorn announced. Ever since Gandalf's departure, Aragorn took the lead, which I was grateful for. Valar knows what would have happened if he didn't take charge. "We approach Mordor from the North." Gimli began to grumble and I tuned out. Then, something happened which hadn't happened in a very long time.

My eyes glazed over and my mind began to pound. Images flooded my mind in waves. Strange creatures growling and snarling ran through a forest, the scene changed. An arm pulled another arm from the water. Another image flashed, three black arrows. The scene shifted. Merry and Pippin stood in shock with stones in their hands and dirt covered faces. Another image change, Aragorn stood up straight, a tear leaking out of one eye. The pounding in my head peaked and then it stopped. I gasped.

~Aragorn POV~

"Oh yes?" Gimli huffed. "Just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil, an impassable labyrinth of razor sharp rocks. And after that, it gets even better!" Merry and Pippin looked towards him in curiosity. "Festering, stinking marshland as far as the eye can see." He grumbled. Legolas didn't look like he liked the sound of that. I noticed Raina had been quiet for a while and turned to her. She was staring into nothing, her face contorted into one of confusion and fear. Her breathing was hitched and irregular. I looked towards her questionably and she let out a gasp. The rest of the fellowship turned towards her.

"What's wrong, lass?" Gimli asked.

Her breathing was fast and she attempted to slow it down. "I h-had a vision." She said, wide eyed. I looked towards her urgently.

"What is wrong? What did you see?" I asked, panicked by her reaction.

"Aragorn, something is wrong."

Sauron's Daughter (A lord of the rings / Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now