Funerals and Love

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~Still Aragorn~

I marched down the hallway. I needed to get this out in the open swiftly. I reached the old oak door. Raina is behind there. I stood frozen. My hand was in mid air, hovering over the wood. Do I knock? I shook myself. Come on Aragorn, you can do this.

I knocked.

"Yes?" I heard a quiet voice. I entered the room. "Aragorn?" Raina was in bed, her nightgown on. She was alone.

"Oh- well- maybe this can wait-"

"No." She cut me off. "Please. What is it?"

"Since the first time I laid eyes on you, I felt a connection. I felt your spirit. You were so fiery and full of life. But there was fear there. Fear of yourself and your past. I-I fear my past too, my heritage. Just as you fear yours. I feel that we are bound- you and I. Even when I found out your heritage, I understood. I understood why you chose to keep it a secret. Whilst the others bickered about whether you were to stay, in my heart I knew you should. Nobody should be judged for their heritage, I know that. I am expected to lead men, armies. I know what price you had to pay. You are not your father, as I am not mine." She made eye contact with me.

"One day," she said, softly. "You will be a great king. People will follow in your footsteps. You doubt yourself and your capabilities." She stepped closer to me and touched my shoulder. "No more doubt." She whispered. "You will face the same evil your ancestors fought and you will defeat it. I just hope that you will not be fighting me."

"I do not know of what you speak."

"Hush. We needn't go there. It is a risk I took when I joined the fellowship."

"I was right about before. I do love you. Amin mela lle, Raina. (I love you)" she looked away.

"But you do not wish to."

"I do! With my heart. Amin mela lle. Truly." I looked into her eyes. She looked deep into mine. She pulled me closer to her, I traced her jawline. She bit a little at her bottom lip whilst looking at mine. She cupped a hand to my face. I kissed her. I brushed my lips against hers. She kissed me back. I ran a gentle hand across her lower back and she placed her hands behind my neck.

"Melamin. (My love)" she breathed.

We embraced. She buried her face into the crook of my neck and I put my head in her hair, inhaling her scent, wishing this moment could last forever. But alas, it could not. I reluctantly pulled away from her.

"Losto vae (sleep well)" I whispered.

"Quel du. (Good night)" she whispered back.

I slowly made for the door, keeping my eyes on her until I pulled it open and stepped out into the corridor.


The funeral procession slowly snaked around the hills of Rohan. Many women wept as the king's son was slowly brought to his final resting place. As we neared the tomb, Éowyn, the king's niece, began to sing.

Bealocwealm hafadh fréone

Frecan forth onsended.

Giedd sculon singan gleomenn sorgiende on Meduselde.

Thaet he ma no waere

His dryhtne dyrest.

And maga deorost, bealo.

The tomb was sealed. Everybody made their way inside besides Gandalf and Théoden. We waited in the hall and I spoke with Raina.

"It is unfortunate that the king lost his son so early." I said.

"Unfortunate?" She asked. "No. It is cruel. There is only one man who would think it not to be, if you can even call him a man." She said in distaste.

"Indeed. But worry not. No harm will befall you." I grabbed her hand from the other side of the table. Legolas saw this gesture and smirked.

"And why have I not been informed of this?" He asked in mock hurt.

"Leave them be, Legolas." Théodra smiled from beside him. He sighed.

"As you wish, but only for you." He said, turning to her and looking directly into her eyes. I raised an eyebrow.

"It looks like we're not the only ones keeping a secret!" I whispered to Aragorn. He chuckled and tried to hide his smile.

"What is so funny?" Legolas asked.

The door slammed open. Théoden came marching in with a boy who looked no more than twelve in his arms. Gandalf held the hand of a small frightened girl behind him.

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