A Balrog Of Morgoth

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~ Raina POV~

I was sad before. Inconsolable. Not anymore. I was mad at Aragorn, I was mad at myself. How could Aragorn say all those things to me and  suddenly start acting like it never happened? It was my own fault though... No. No more wallowing in my own self-pity. If Aragorn is going to be confusing, let him. You are here to protect Frodo and destroy the ring.

We ran back into the huge hall. My wound hadn't fully healed yet but we had to keep going. Orcs began to crawl out of holes in the roof like cockroaches. They surrounded us. I snarled at them. I was not in the mood for being killed again. My wound was still oozing blood and I knew if I didnt treat it, it would get worse and I would pass out or die again.

The orcs shrieked at us. They knew they would win. There were hundreds of them. I was just about to get out my twin swords when I heard it. A low growl. The one sound I had been trying to avoid. The horrid creatures slunk back into the holes they came from.

"The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep. You were there when it awoke. You are responsible for the fellowship's doom. This is YOUR fault!" The Pheonix snarled inside my head. A tear slid down my cheek. This WAS my fault.

"What is this new devilry?" Boromir asked softly.

"A balrog." Gandalf answered. "A demon of the ancient world. This foe is beyond any of you. RUN!" He bellowed.

We began our escape. I could feel the blood dripping through my tunic and soaking it into a darker shade of red.

Gandalf and Aragorn ushered us through an archway. I shrugged Aragorn's arm off and continued running, focusing on breathing straight.

Boromir almost fell to his death if Legolas hadn't caught him. I was too slow otherwise I would have helped. I ran past Aragorn and Gandalf who were having a hushed discussion. Aragorn ran towards him but Gandalf pushed him away. We ran down the stairs. There was a gap halfway down. Legolas jumped over first.

"Prissy elf." Gimli muttered.

Gandalf jumped over next as another rumbling growl hit our ears. Arrows began to rain down on us and Legolas and I fought back. Boromir grabbed Merry and Pippin and the rock crumbled against their weight. We were now left with a bigger gap to jump. Sam was tossed next. Aragorn went to grab Gimli but he refused.

"Nobody tosses a dwarf!" He bellowed stubbornly. He jumped the gap but wouldn't of made it if it wasn't for Legolas grabbing him.

"Not the beard!" Exclaimed Gimli as legolas pulled him up by his facial hair.

The stairs crumbled yet again and we were faced with an unjumpable gap. A bit of wall crashed into the stairs behind us and the stairs began to sway.

I concentrated on using my powers, squinting, I managed to balance us out. I held my hands up. I was carrying the whole weight of the stone structure with my two hands. I couldnt carry this for much longer. I was straining, my stomach wound was opening back up. I would not let go. I would not let frodo and Aragorn die!

I struggled to hold up the ancient stone when I had an idea.

"Hold on!" I gasped. I brought my hands slowly forward. They were shaking from the weight. The stairs began to lean towards the awaiting fellowship who smiled encouragingly despite the situation. The stairs crashed into the other side and we jumped off. I was caught by Legolas. I was breathing heavily but was relieved when the weight was lifted but something wasn't right. I glanced at my hands to see them covered in blood from my tunic. I think the only reason the fellowship hadn't noticed was because my tunic was red. The fellowship. I had to do this for them. We had to go!

I was running on pure adrenaline now. I couldnt breathe anymore. Black spots swam in my vision. But we had reached the bridge. We had made it. Vibrations shook the floor as it came. The balrog had a huge set of horns on it's head. It's eyes were white flame. It had skin like molten rock and fire encased it. Gandalf stared up at the beast with hatred.

We all ran across the narrow bridge. I would have fell from my disorientation because of the blood loss if it wasn't for Legolas. He had saved alot of people today. We had all made it across apart from Gandalf who still stood in the middle.

"You cannot pass!" Gandalf shouted.


The balrog burst into flames to look as intimidating as possible.

"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Arnor. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Undûn!" Gandalf warned, creating a shield of light around himself. The balrog produced a sword of fire. It struck Gandalf but he deflected the blow. The balrog roared in outrage.

"Go back to the shadow!" Gandalf ordered, raising his staff. I should help him. I will use the last of my strength. I walked forward.


I was stopped by Aragorn. He held my arms.

"Let him do this." He said. He then stared at me intently.

~Aragorn POV~

She was so pale. Her eyes had large bags under them. She was shaking. Her left hand was placed on her stomach. I looked at her intently before slowly removing her hand. Her tunic looked darker red in some places. I looked at her for approval. She only sighed in defeat. I slowly lifted her tunic. It was wet with blood. The stab wound was still there and it was beginning to get infected. I gasped in horror. She should have passed out by now.

"Sorry to disappoint." She snapped before pulling her tunic back down. Had I said that outloud?

"No, you didnt." She replied.

~Raina POV~

Aragorn watched me with confusion. His thoughts were in a muddle. It was hard to read him. I wanted to know his sudden change in attitude towards me.

"YOU... SHALL NOT... PASS!!!!!" Gandalf bellowed and brought his staff towards the bridge.

AN: Sweet Mary mother of god that was a long chapter! Sorry for the wait, I hope it was worth it! Please vote or comment if you want to. I'd love to hear your ideas! :) I have big plans for this story. I'll update soon!

~Lollylom <3

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