Aragorn's Promise And The Emotion Stone

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Aragorn sat, his mouth agape. "His cruelty and his malice is worse than I could ever imagine." He spat. He held onto my shoulders, determination gleaming in his grey eyes. "I will rid him of this earth. I promise you. He will not harm you again." He vowed.

"Aragorn... That is not a promise you will be guaranteed to keep." I said softly. He looked directly into my eyes.

"But I will try my best to fulfill it. May it be life or death, I will protect you." He said seriously.

"Thank you." I whispered. Our faces were getting closer together. The moonlight shone of his hair, making it look glossy and beautiful. His rugged features became more noticeable as his face came closer to mine. His lips parted and I felt his breath on my face, sending shivers erupting down my spine. His hand cupped my face and he gently traced my jawline. My stomach churned as I brought my face closer to his, my eyes were closing...

"Aragorn." Legolas' voice called. We instantly jumped away from each other. I looked down away from Aragorn, my cheeks heating up. Legolas stood over us with an embarressed expression. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but we must plan our next move. There has been talk of dark creatures being able to move in sunlight and cover great distance at speed." He added, worry creeping into his tone.

"You are right Legolas. It will be time to leave the safety of Lothlorien's borders before we over stay our welcome." He got up to leave. "Excuse me." He added before walking away.


Two days later we were ready to leave. We stood before the Lady Galadriel one last time. We were presented with elven cloaks.

"Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people." Spoke Celeborn. "May these cloaks shield you from unfriendly eyes." He added seriously. He brought Aragorn over to the side but I was still in earshot. "Every league you travel south, the danger will increase. Mordor orcs now hold the eastern shore and of the Anduin." He warned. I walked away, fearful. We were then brought back together and presented with gifts.

Legolas was given a bow of the Galadhrim. He marvelled at it's beauty. Merry and Pippin were gifted with the daggers of the Noldorin. Galadriel eased Pippin's thoughts and smiled lightly at him. As Galadriel neared me in the line, I began to get nervous.

"For you, Raina, I present the stone of emotion. Evil thoughts have begun to enter your mind. As Sauron's power grows, he will seek to darken your mind and destroy you from within. He wants you. This stone will aid you. When you seem to be overcome with dark thoughts, take a deep breath and rub the stone. It will absorb those feelings and help stop Sauron from entering your mind." She added with a whisper: "and stop the nightmares." She gave me a knowing look. I thanked her graciously and she just laughed, a happy medolic laugh. Farewell, Raina. Your destiny is clear now. Do not sway away from those you love. Especially him. You shall find out in time. She said in my head.

AN: oh my lord! What is happening with Aragorn and Raina?! Will Aragorn be able to keep his promise?! What exactly is the Stone of Emotion?! Have you ever had a dream you were a chicken nugget? (I have. One of the most disturbing dreams of my life! That and the time when every time I stepped on a leaf, it squeaked. I was in a forest aswell!)

Anyways, please vote and comment! I would love to know your opinion! :)

P.s: I update every 3-4 days usually. I will never leave this story for more than a week.

Love you all and thanks for reading! :D

~ lollylom

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