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~ still aragorn pov ~

We ran to Lothlorien. I knew it would be the safest place for us to go. I ran infront, Legolas was behind me carrying Raina. She was carried bridal style by him. Her eyes were closed. I would need to talk to her, to apologize when she woke up.

We crossed the river and that's when I heard it.

~ legolas pov ~

Raina had been still in my arms when we ventured for the safety of the Elves. Her eyes were closed and she wore a blank but peaceful expression. I needed to ask her some questions when she woke up.

Without warning, Raina shot up from my arms, eyes wide. She gasped for breath and clung blindly to me. Her breathing was fast, like she had been running or she had woken up from a nightmare. She looked blankly at me before recognition hit her face and she smiled at me.

"man mathach? (how do you feel?)" I asked her.

"Quel, mellon nîn. Hannon lle. (good, my friend. Thank you)" she smiled at me again and I returned the smile.

"Can you walk?" I asked. She nodded. I set her down on to the ground. She wobbled a bit so I steadied her. She looked at me greatfully before she began to walk.

Aragorn looked over at us. A small smile etched on his face. He looked towards Raina with an apologetic smile, but there was something else in his eyes for her.


We reached the treeline of Lothlorien. I wrapped up Raina's stab wound that still hadn't healed yet.

"Stay close, young hobbits!" Gimli warned. "They say a sorceress lives in these woods. An elf witch of terrible power!" I scoffed. The Lady of Lorien should not be disgraced. I walked ahead of Gimli, not wanting to hear anymore.

Suddenly, arrows were pointed at us. I raised my own bow in self defence.

"The dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark." An arrogant voice sounded. Gimli grumbled in response.


We were taken to a leaf-shaped platform. Haldir addressed me:

"Mae govannen, Legolas Thranduillion. (welcome, Legolas son of Thranduil." I nodded at him sincerely.

"Our fellowship stands in your debt." I answered back in elvish. Haldir looked behind me.

"You." He spat. I turned behind me to see Raina with her head down.

"Haldir." She replied, respectfully.

"You shouldn't be here!" He spoke, angrily.

"I pose no threat. I am not like him! I am here with the same purpose as the rest of the company." She argued, her head held high. Haldir only scoffed.

"It is true." Aragorn stepped forward.

"You bring great evil with you." Haldir retorted, looking at Frodo. It was hard to detect if he was talking about the ring or Raina. "You can go no further."

~ aragorn pov ~

The rest of the fellowship sat down as I argued our case. We needed this protection. We would not last much longer.

"The girl cannot enter here. It is too dangerous." Haldir said in Elvish.

"She is no threat! She would not be here if she was!"

Raina stood up and walked over.

"Haldir, I will not hurt you or your people, I swear. But if you do not trust me, I have an idea. Please." She said sincerely in Elvish.


We managed to convince Haldir to let us in. I was less than happy as to what we had to do to get in. Raina told Haldir to bring her in with a knife to her throat and for her to be blindfolded, to which (after some persuasion from Raina) he agreed.

Raina was being dragged by an elf with a dagger pressed to her throat. She had stayed calm throughout the entire time. They bound her hands behind her back also, as a precaution. I eyed the elf wearily. He was scowling at her and was all too happy to toss her around like a rag doll.

"Easy!" I hissed at the elf.

"It's alright Aragorn, I'm used to it." Raina reassured. We reached a clearing and we had a beautiful view of the Elven city.

"Caras Galadhon. The heart of Elvendom on earth. Realm of the Lord Celeborn and of Galdriel, Lady of Light." Haldir announced, proudly.

AN: Woooo! Another chapter down! I might update next tonight or tomorrow! Double update for you yaaay! :) I won't leave this story for more than a week and that's a promise!

I'm curious to know as I haven't got much feedback; what do you guys think of my story? Anything you like/dislike. Anything you think I can improve on? I'm all for constructive criticism but not like "ooohh ur story's poo" lol. Please do let me know if there is anything you would like done differently or if you have any ideas you want to share. Greatly appreciated :)

Some things are going to be cleared up in the next chapter like:

Whats going on with Raina and her powers?

How can she read minds all of a sudden?

What is Aragorn and Raina's conversation going to be about?

Also, I know it is a little annoying with the whole changing POV, but I like to have other character's perspective on what's happening. I'll try not to do it too much as I know it can be annoying.

Hehe I'm evil. Thank you for reading! Have a great day/evening/night.

Lollylom <3

Sauron's Daughter (A lord of the rings / Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now