Explanations And Apologies

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~ Still Aragorn POV ~

We were lead into the beautiful kingdom of the elves. I would have admired it more, if I wasn't concerned with Raina. The elf was still treating her like dirt under his feet and I was beginning to get agitated.

"Aragorn, calm down." Raina said. "Your emotions are all over the place! I can feel it." I was taken aback. How could she- what's going on? "I'll explain later." She muttered. The elf pushed her forward with a grunt.

We travelled up some stairs next. Raina was struggling because of her blindfold. The elf sighed and flung her over his shoulders.

"Aiya! Va!" (oh! Don't!)" Shouted Raina in annoyance.

"Do you want to fall down the stairs?" The elf hissed in an icy tone. She just grunted in reply. The elf rolled his eyes. I glared daggers at him.

We reached the top of the stairs and Raina's blindfold was removed. She scowled at the elf who had 'escorted' her here and he only smiled sweetly and sarcastically at her.

We assembled at the bottom of a flight of stairs where we were greeted by Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn, hand in hand. A certain glow emitted from them and I felt a strange sense of peace. I bowed my head and touched my forehead as a sign of greeting and respect.

Lord Celeborn was the first to speak. "The enemy knows you have entered here." He said slowly, like he had all the time in the world. "What hope you had in secrecy is now gone." I felt disappointed in myself. I should have done better. Raina looked at me and smiled comfortingly. "What are you doing here?" He scowled as his eyes rested on Raina.

"Be at peace, melamin (my love). She will not harm us." The Lady of Light spoke with confidence and smiled over at Raina. Lord Celeborn only nodded, trusting her completely.

"Nine that are here, yet ten there were set out from Rivendell. Tell me where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him." My face dropped. "I can no longer see him from afar." I looked at Lady Galadriel with remorse.

"He has fallen into shadow." She whispered. I nodded my head slightly. Celeborn looked at his wife in confusion.

"He was taken by both shadow and flame." Spoke Legolas in a small voice. "A balrog of Morgoth. For we went needlessly into the net of Moria." His eyes showed utter sadness. Gimli lowered his head. He felt guilty for Gandalf's death and saddened by the loss of his kin, no doubt.

"Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life." Galadriel reprimanded softly. "We do not yet know his full purpose." Frodo's eyes filled with hope at that.

The Lady Galdriel began to console Gimli, but my eyes were trained on Raina. Her head was low and she stared down at the floor. She was not the only one. Boromir had his eyes towards the ground on the verge of tears.

"What now becomes of this fellowship?" Celeborn voiced. "Without Gandalf, hope is lost."

Raina's eyes shot up at that. How could he have so little faith? We would succeed. I would make sure of it!

"The quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail... To the ruin of all." Lady Galadriel said. "Yet hope remains while the company is true." She contradicted with a small smile. She offered us rest and food which we all gratefully took.


~ Raina POV ~

We were given an area to rest. I knew Galdriel would wish to speak to me tonight.

A choir of soft elven voices could be heard in the air through the vast forest of Lothlorien.

"A lament for Gandalf." Spoke Legolas, sorrowfully. Aragorn was sharpening his sword. He saw me looking and made his way over. Oh no, oh no!

"May I speak with you?" He asked softly. I gulped.

"Of course." I replied with a small smile. He gestured to a tree root away from camp. I nodded and followed him. We sat down. Silence.

"I-" Aragorn started. "I wanted to apologize for my behaviour in the mines. It was inappropriate." He looked down.

"It is okay. All is forgiven." I gave him a reassuring smile, at least I hope it was reassuring... Was it reassuring? Oh Valar stay calm!

"I also wanted to ask... How does it work? Your... Gifts."

I sighed. "My powers are limitless, Aragorn. They are both a blessing and a curse. I can do anything. Whilst my father grows stronger, I grow stronger. As for the immortality, I only live whilst my father does so. That can always change. But... Every few deaths, my body needs to... Regenerate. You shall know what I mean when the time comes." I answered him before he asked, the confusion on his face showing. "I can read your mind, I can move things without touching them."

"What kinds of things?" He asked.

"All kinds of things." I said whilst raising his sword up into the air with my eyes, twirling it around before placing it back down on the grass. He gasped in astonishment.

"You have a truly amazing gift." He smiled.

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