It's A Tomb

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We slowly made our way down the mountainside. My heart was racing. They'll find out what I did. I failed Gandalf. I haven't told him The Pheonix returned shortly after my return from Erebor. Shortly after he died.  I was able to stay The Pheonix but I can hear it still. The Pheonix is waking up. What if I kill the fellowship? What if I take the ring?!

"Are you afraid of the dark?" I jumped. It was only Aragorn.

"Not afraid exactly," I replied. "Just afraid whats in that particular... Dark... Dank-"

"I assure you it is quite safe Lady Raina." Gimli interrupted. We approached a vast wall of stone. We were nearly here. My stomach flipped. They'll find out what I've done! They'll definitely abandon me now!

"The walls of Moria!" Gimli whispered, awe-struck. We walked across the stony surface and kept close to the colossal stone.

"Dwarf doors are invisible when closed." Gimli boasted.

"Yes, Gimli, their own masters cannot find them if their secrets are forgotten." Gandalf said.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Legolas muttered sarcastically. Gimli scowled. I would have laughed if I didn't think I was going to explode from guilt and fear. There was a splash. I gasped and whipped my head around it was only frodo.

"Raina?" Aragorn asked. "Does the lake send you edgy too?"

"Yes." I lied.

"Stay close to me then." He smiled. He made me feel a little better.

"Ah, lets see. Ithildin." Gandalf muttered to himself. "It mirrors only starlight and moonlight." The moon crept from behind the clouds and the doors lit up. I felt sick. We were actually going to go in.

"We shouldn't be here." I whispered. "There must be another way."

"We are here now Lady Raina. We must journey on." Said Aragorn. I stood closer to him. I was close to hyperventilating.

"...Oh it's quite simple. if you are a friend you speak the password and doors will open." Gandalf explained. He began to speak the password. I squeezed my eyes shut. I didn't realise I let out a whimper.

"Raina?" Aragorn asked again. "There is nothing to be afraid of."

"Mellon." Gandalf said. The doors grinded open.

"Yes there is." I whispered wild-eyed. Everyone began to enter the tomb... I mean, mine. I grabbed hold of Aragorn's cloak. He seemed surprised but did not object as we were succumbed in darkness.

"Soon master elf you'll enjoy the fabled hospitality of the dwarves." Gimli said proudly. I could see them on the floor. I whimpered. I killed some of them. This was my fault. Theyre dead because of me. I'm a monster. I squeezed Aragorns cloak tighter. He looked at me and gave me a small nod.

"They call it a mine. A mine!" Gimli boasted again.

"This is no mine!" Boromir exclaimed as gandalf lit up his staff. Bodies of dwarves lit up the floor. Some were mutilated in awkward positions, others had arrows sticking in them in various places.

"No... No! NO!" Gimli cried.

"What did I do?" I whispered to myself. Aragorn looked at me. Then realization hit him.

"You knew about this didnt you?" He hissed. All I could manage was a small nod. He pulled away from me.

"We make for the gap of Rohan. We should never of come. Now get out of here! Get out!" Boromir yelled.




Frodo was being dragged away from the fellowship by a tentacle. The Watcher. How could I have forgotten?! I was so busy worrying what was IN the mine, I forgot the danger OUTSIDE. I may have killed these dwarves but I'll be damned if I let it take Frodo!

~ Aragorn POV~

I was disgusted. She knew about this and she didn't tell us! Shes hiding something...


I span round. A tentacle had wrapped itself around Frodo! I ran after him and was followed by Raina. I started hacking at the beast. Raina stood infront of it. She began to speak in a harsh language. The creature seemed to understand. The creature roared back at her. Boromir chopped of a tentacle and Frodo began to fall. I caught him and we ran for the mines. The creature pursued. Raina put her hand out in front of her. The creature had frozen. It didn't even blink. I looked at it, astounded.

"Come on!" She screamed. "It only lasts a few seconds!"

We ran into the mine. The creature sprung to life again and smashed the doors to pieces.

"We now have but one choice: we must face the long, dark of Moria." Said Gandalf.

A/N: A massive massive MASSIVE thank you to anyone who voted my story. I didn't think anyone would read it to be honest. You all get an internet giraffe! Dont know what one is... I'll just let your imagination juices flow on this one! Thanks for reading, I'll update either later on tonight or tomorrow! :)

~ lollylom ~

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