Wielding the Wind

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I mounted Eru and trotted beside Aragorn who had also mounted.

"Citizens and Soldiers of Rohan! We move out to Helms Deep! To refuge!" The king cried and a horn blasted in the distance to notify the people that we were leaving.

The progression was slow, in account for many of whom had no form of transportation other than to walk. Some peasants had some older men and women in carts and rolled them along. I spotted Quinton amongst the crowd. When he saw me he waved and smiled brightly, much to the dismay of his mother. I managed a small smile back.

"Raina?" Éowyn questioned.

"Hm? Oh, sorry. Lost in thought." I hadn't realised I'd been staring.

She laughed. "It's alright. How have you been fairing the last few days?" She asked.

"I have been well. It is a little lonely without Gandalf however." The wizard had left to track down Éomer, Éowyn's brother.

"Yes," she replied quite little sadly. "But he should provide more hope for us, for our people."

"I hadn't thought of it that way. You're right." I said, reflecting on why Gandalf had to leave so soon.

We rode in companionable silence for most of the journey. I occasionally talking to Legolas or Aragorn. Legolas spent most of his time talking to Théodra. I'll have to ask what is happening with those two. They're getting pretty... comfortable with each other.

The villagers began to slow throughout the day and soon they looked completely worn out. The king ordered for us to rest for an hour and they gladly put their possessions down on the grass. After about ten minutes, the children were re-energized and running around the area.

"Raina?" Legolas called.


"I've been reflecting," he started. "And have you ever thought of using your power of wind as a defence mechanism?"

I pondered this. Could it be possible? I've never really thought of that before. "No. But could it be possible?" I asked him.

"It could be." He said, glint in his eye. "How do you get it to work?"

"It usually happens when I'm angry or have a heightened emotion." I answered truthfully.

"Well with myself being an elf, maybe I could help you feel the power of nature. You could learn to control it." He offered.

I felt a purge of excitement. I could learn to control something. I could have a choice in my actions for once. "That sounds... amazing!" I beamed.

"We could get to work now if you want? If you are not too tired?" I gave him a look and he smirked. "Right... well let's get started then!"

He took me away from the villagers and into an open field nearby. The wind fluttered softly under the cloudy sky and all was silent.

"I want you to breathe in the air slowly." Legolas whispered. "In and out."

I took in a deep breath.

"Feel the wind, the rustle of the trees, feel it snake across your body and float across the grass." He said. "Close your eyes. Feel the wind. Take a deep breath in. Concentrate on the wind and your surroundings. Hold the breath." He paused. "Release."

I raised my arms slightly and felt the breeze through my fingers. I held my breath and the wind felt like it was being pulled towards my body. When I let out the breath I was holding, the wind blew away from my body at a fairly fast speed. I spun my two hands around and a mini tornado formed in mid air. I smiled over at Legolas who was smiling back. It was only a small achievement but it felt amazing. I let my arms drop to my side and watched as the tornado diminished back into the air and the atmosphere became fairly still and peaceful once more.

"You did it." Legolas said quietly.

"Yeah." I breathed. "I did."

We walked back to camp and I found Aragorn watching us closely, his eyes narrowed. I walked over to him.

"Chin up, Aragorn. You've got a face like a slapped Nancy." I smiled.

"What were you doing with Legolas?" He asked suddenly.

"What? Nothing! We were just... talking." I did not want to tell Aragorn what had just happened yet. Not until in had complete control. I don't want to hurt him.

"It did not look like you were talking to me." He scowled.

"What is with you?" I asked, frowning.

"What is with me, Raina, is that you seem to enjoy other's company more than mine. I've seen the way you look at Legolas, the way you do not look at me."

In was disbelieved. Did he really think that I would be so unfaithful, so selfish? "I do not look at Legolas in any way! He is my friend! And of course I'm going to look at you differently! I see you in a different way to anyone else."

He did not offer me a reply. His hunched shoulders dropped, he moved off the ground and stalked away from me, heading towards Éowyn by the rocks.

AN: another chapter down! Yay! It's late, I know. I have a statistics assignment due in on Wednesday so I've been trying to get that done. T_T

Next chapter is an important one! And oh Lord, trouble in paradise for Raina and Aragorn.

We don't have a ship name for Aragorn and Raina!! We need one! :-) If anyone can think of a ship name, the one that I like the most will be the official name and the person who came up with it will be featured in this story!

If you win, you can choose a name and you will be featured in a later chapter! I will private message you if you've won!

So comment your ship name! :D

(EDIT: you have until Sunday then I will pick a winner)

Thanks for reading, chummies!! :-)


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