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A/N: hey guys! I've had this idea in my head for a while and figured I'd try it out! Disclaimer: I do not own lotr!

Raina POV:

I can never settle in one place. It is too risky. I decided to take up being a ranger many years ago. My life is dedicated to roaming Middle-earth, never settling in one place, not belonging anywhere.

Sauron was my father but I hate him with much passion. He used to control my mind and make me do... Things. Now he is inside my head. I call him The Pheonix. I can block him out mostly but sometimes...

A loud rustle drove me away from my dark thoughts.

"Who's there?" I called. The rustling continued, it was getting louder. "Show yourself!" I commanded whilst putting my hood up and drawing my 2 daggers. The rustling intensified then a grey figure leaped out of the bushes in a full speed run. I sighed in relief. "Gandalf, what's wrong? What are you doing?" My old friend was covered in blood and dirt. He looked out of breath and weak. I guided him to a tree stump and set him down. I waited a few moments for his breathing to calm down before he answered me.

"R-raina. We must... Go. Now. Rivendell... Summoned." Gandalf stuttered before he passed out.

I lay Gandalf out on my bedroll. He had been sleeping for a few hours. I tried to tend any injurys and managed to wash and clean the cut on his face and washed away any remaining blood. He began to stirr.

"R-raina?" He questioned.

"Yes, I'm here Gandalf. What is wrong? What happened?" He began to sit up.

"Saruman has turned against us. He tried to get me to switch sides. I refused of course, but a friendship with Saruman is not ended lightly. He kept me prisoner in his tower until I could escape on an eagle. Raina, we must go."

"Why what's going on?"

"You have been summoned to Rivendell to a secret meeting being held there. You are Sauron's daughter, Raina. You must attend. It is essential! Now hurry!" Gandalf ordered.

I began to roll up my bedroll and put out the fire I made. I packed my things and let out a sharp whistle. I was greeted by my black stallion, Eru. She was a beautiful horse.

Gandalf came behind me with a brown horse. Where Gandalf got it, I do not know. The wizard has many surprises!

We rode towards Rivendell. Gandalf told me more on the journey about Frodo and the ring and a man named strider. Strider? I had heard that before.

~Flashback ~

A cloaked figure came out of the shadows. I was in the tavern when a drunken man approached the figure who I could tell by his figure was a man.

"Y-you know, it's verrrry ruuude t-to have your hood up indoors." The drunkard sluured. I scoffed. I also had my hood up, why was he picking on him?

"I think you have had too much to drink my fellow. Leave now." The man ordered. His voice was low and held authority.

"Y-you don't tell m-me what to do! Take your hood down! I wanna see your pretty face when I punch I-it!" The drunk man yelled and tried to take a swing for his face. The man moved out of the way and blocked his punch. I stood up. "Oh, another r-rude one!" The man snickered. "Y-your a woman! What are you h-hiding?" I snarled.

"You had better go. Now." I said in a cold tone.

"I'll go anywhere with y-you girly. You look pretty fine!" He moved to grab me. I ripped away from his grasp and put him in a headlock. The man from earlier had a dagger to his throat.

"Leave!" He snarled. The drunk man scurried away. The other man turned to me and nodded. "Thank you." He muttered.

"No problem. My name is Shiver." I said, I would not dare tell him my real name. I held out my hand out for him to shake.

He kissed my hand and replied "Strider." He seemed to have the same idea.

~ End of flashback.~

We were approaching Rivendell. We crossed the river and began to ride closer to the gates. Then I remembered the dwarves. I joined gandalf and 13 dwarves to Erebor. They came here. I stopped my horse. Gandalf stopped and turned to face me.


"It's alright Gandalf," I interrupted. "I'll be with you soon. He only nodded before going through the gates of Imladris. It was going to be hard to be here again.

AN: hey guys! I edited this chapter because I wasn't happy with it. At all. I'll be editing a few of the earlier chapters aswell. It wont be a drastic change to the storyline or anything so you dont have to read them again if you don't want to. Thanks for reading! <3

~ lollylom :)

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