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~Raina POV~

I was awoken by the sun streaming through the window. I opened my bleary eyes and found they were foggy. I groaned and waited for my vision to focus. When it did, I saw someone sat at the foot of my bed, holding my hand.

"I'm glad to see you are awake, Raina." Aragorn said. "I was worried."

"What happened?" I asked.

"The king stabbed you."

"Oh... right. Now I remember." I groaned.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his eyebrows knitting together.

"Perfectly fine." I noticed bags under his eyes. "Aragorn, have you slept?" I asked, my eyebrows copying his.

"No." He admitted. "I couldn't until I knew you were alright."

"Thank you." I whispered and hugged him. He looked directly into my eyes.

"Don't scare me like that again." He said seriously.

"I won't."


Aragorn left so I could get changed. I found a green dress hanging from the door. Valar, Théodra! Stop giving me nice things!

I put on the dress and combed my hair. I walked out of the bedroom an made my way towards the hall.

"Raina." The king addressed me. "My apologies for yesterday. Gandalf has told me of your predicament and that you are no threat."

"There is nothing to forgive, my Lord. You only did it because you wanted to protect your country."

He smiled. "Thank you. If you excuse me." He walked away.

~Aragorn POV~

I watched Raina's exchange with the king in interest. Raina looked beautiful today. I was so worried about her and words could not explain how relieved in was to see her eyes light up again. Wait... what am I thinking? This cannot be... no. She is coming over. What do I do? Aragorn, you are a son of kings.

"I think I'm back in the king's good books." She smiled.

"I'm glad to hear that. Come, walk with me?" I offered.

"Of course, my Lord." She bowed over the top. I chuckled and she grabbed my arm. We walked through corridors and wherever our feet took us. "Aragorn?" She asked when we reached a small garden.

"Hm?" I was too busy studying her face, her jawline.

"You did not have to stay up all night, you know."

"I know. I felt it was to be wrong to leave you alone. I would have never been able to forgive myself if you woke up on your own, frightened."

"What makes you frightened?" Her words were barely a whisper.

"Failing. Failing to do what is right when it matters."

"I know of what you speak. You are Isildur's heir, not Isildur himself. I was there, you are greater than him."

I smiled softly. "What are your fears, my lady?"

"Self control."

I sent her a questioning glance.

"To not be able to stop the Phoenix from escaping. For people to be disgusted by what I have done that I had no control of. I see it in your eyes, Aragorn. I have seen it." She said.

"Long ago. My judgement was clouded. It was not your fault nor does anyone blame you. Moria was not your fault."

"What about the women and children I have killed? The thousands of lives lost by my hands? What of them?"

"That was not you." I argued. "Everything that happened, it was out of your control. To hold onto this guilt is-"

"Foolish?" She asked.

"...is how I know you are not a murderer. You are a good person, Raina." I looked into her beautiful eyes. "You are strong, beautiful..."

Our eyes locked.

"Your pupils are dilated, Aragorn." She whispered.

"As are yours." I responded, huskily

Her hand cupped my waist, bringing me closer to her.

"I think-"

"Hush." She interrupted. She kissed me. My heartbeat increased dramatically. All thoughts of Arwen disappeared. I kissed her back and raked my hands through her long, raven hair. Her eyes closed and she wrapped her arms around my back.

AN: oh! Well! Getting saucy are we? :D I'm not the best at kissing scenes.

Thanks for reading!


Sauron's Daughter (A lord of the rings / Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now