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~Raina POV~
The Wargs were depleting, their numbers growing thin. I slashed at the last orc, killing it instantly. I will have to talk to Aragorn after this battle, make him understand. There were only three Wargs left. One was on top of a Rohan soldier. I recognized it was the soldier who saved my life earlier so I ran my full speed and in a second or two the warg was already dead.

I helped the soldier up. "Are you alright?" He was only a small boy and I was surprised he passed as a soldier.

"Yes, thank you." He replied. His voice was very high pitched. I squinted my eyes at him suspiciously and removed his helmet halfway off his face. A startled yelp escaped the... woman? "Please! Don't tell anyone!" She begged.

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"Lira. My name is Lira. Please don't tell anyone I'm here!" She whispered.

"Why?" I questioned her whilst she rapidly fixed the saddle on her horse which had trotted next to her.

"I'm the king's hand maid." Oh Valar.

"Then why are you not doing the king's duties? You shouldn't be here!"

"I know! But my brother was fighting and..." she trailed off. "... I didn't want to lose him." She said, barely a whisper. I nodded sadly at her.

"Alright. But make your way to the gates whilst everyone is distracted. Get into Helms Deep. Go." I smiled at her. She beamed back.

"Will I see you there?" She asked.

"Of course you will. Now quick!" I ushered her, smiling.

"Farewell!" She whisper-shouted and galloped onto the grassy plains with her horse.

I heard Legolas shout Aragorn's name. He did not reply.

"Aragorn?!" Gimli shouted, also joining in with the search. I also called his name. Still no reply.

We heard a snickering to the side of us. An orc was lay on it's back bleeding from it's throat.

Gimli approached him with his axe in hand. "Tell me what happened and I will ease your passing." He said, a dangerous glint in his voice.

"He's... dead! Took a little tumble of the cliff."


I walked over to the edge and placed my hands on the rock. A vision overcame me.

Aragorn had his hand trapped he tried to move but he couldn't. He wanted to. He couldn't die like this. The cliff face came closer and closer until he was tumbling down it. The warg separated from him and was impaled by a sharp rock. Aragorn kept falling and falling and then the vision went black.

I could feel myself shaking. Aragorn was dead. He was dead.

"You cannot even protect the ones you love. This is your fault." The voice in my head sneered. I did not even argue. It was right and it knew that.

"Raina?" Legolas questioned me quietly. I looked up at him and snarled. His eyes widened. "Your eyes are orange!"

I didn't care. Doesn't he understand?! Aragorn is dead. He's not coming back. He can't come back. It's my fault. I could have saved him. It's my fault.

I sped off into the direction of Helms Deep with the others calling my name un alarm.

~Aragorn POV~

I vaguely felt like I was floating. Was I dead? I tried to open my eyes but I could not. I felt my back touch something soft and squidgy. Was I on a river bank? I tried to open my eyes and eventually succeeded. The image of Arwen came across my face. She only said two words to me.

"Save her."

She then kissed my forehead lightly and disappeared. What did she mean? Oh no... Raina. Something bad was happening. I could feel it.

Sauron's Daughter (A lord of the rings / Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now