Onwards To Mordor!

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A/N: next chapter is here! Enjoy!

Bold: black speech

Italics: Sauron talking to Raina


On my way back from the training grounds I saw someone who I hadn't seen in over 50 years. "Bilbo!" I shouted and ran to him.

"Raina? Is that you? My, you haven't changed a bit!" Bilbo replied, hugging me.

"I've missed you! I havent seen you since the Lonely Mountain!"

"Yes, yes. I meant to go back, visit laketown, see Erebor again. But age has caught up to me. But not to you my child! Have you been back?" Bilbo asked.

"No. I just- I can't go back there. Too many memories." I replied sadly.

"You still love him don't you? You still love Kili."

"Always." I replied, a tear rolling down my cheek.

"My dear child." Bilbo comforted. "Sometimes I think of them, Thorin, Fili and Kili. But you must not waste your remaining days when they have lost theirs. You must move on."


The next morning, I awoke to the sound of birds. It was time! I climbed out of bed and put on a green tunic and black leggings, along with my riding boots. I put my dark brown hair into a simple braid and strapped my weapons to my person. I got my bag that I packed the night before and put it on my back. Lord knows when or if I shall see Rivendell again. I looked out of my balcony a final time, relishing my last moment of peace when I saw Aragorn with a beautiful looking elleth.

"It was a dream, Arwen." He said sadly before giving her a beautiful pendant. "I am sorry. Take the ship to Valinor. Be with your people." He walked away from her. The elleth stared at the pendant a while before running off inside. I turned away. Curse myself for eavesdropping! I walked out of my room and headed for the gates of Rivendell where we would depart.


"The ring-bearer is setting out on the quest to Mount Doom. No oath nor bond is laid to go further than you will. Farewell." Elrond  said.

We were ready to go. As we left, Frodo asked "Mordor Gandalf, left or right?" I smiled. "left." Gandalf replied. We left the safe and secure Valley of Imladris.

2 brown haired hobbits approached me. "Hello my lady, I have not introduced myself, I'm Merry." "-and I'm Pippin!" The other added. I smiled. "pleased to meet you. My name is Raina."

"May I ask, my lady Raina, what race are you?"

My smile faltered. Merry pannicked. "You do not have to tell us if you dont want to my lady."

"Thank you Merry. And please, call me Raina." my smile returned. Pippin was still staring at me inquisitivly while walking backwards. He tripped over a rock. "Ow!" He yelped. Merry just laughed and I couldn't help but giggle as I helped him up. "Hobbits." I heard Gandalf murmur disapprovingly. I shook my head.

We travelled all day until it was dusk and all of the hobbits were tired.

"We shall camp here" Gandalf announced. Suddenly, I had a bad feeling in my gut. Then the black riders flashed through my head. They were close!

"Gandalf! Theyre coming!" I yelled, running to him.

"Who? Who are coming?! Speak!" Gandalf urged. His question was answered by a shrill screech. The nazgul.

"Everybody stay here and for the Valar's sake don't move!" I ordered. "and hide Frodo!"

The 9 came out of the trees. Everyone got their weapons out except me. I walked towards them. "What are you doing?!" Boromir yelled. I went closer.

"You will leave now." I ordered the Nazgul.

"How on Durin's name does she know black speech?!" Demanded Gimli. Everyone looked shocked.

"I am the daughter of Sauron. Leave now or feel my wrath!" I demanded.

"The nazgul do not take orders from you. You are with them! Sauron is our only master." the witch king of angmar replied.

I let my eyes glow orange. "these do not have the ring!"

The wraiths looked over at the fellowship. I let my eyes go back to their original green colour before turning to face them aswell. The hobbits were frightened and Frodo was on his knees, pain etched on his face. He was hidden behind a large boulder. Aragorn looked confused, Gimli looked shocked. Legolas had a look of sympathy on his face. He knew my cover was blown. Gandalf only offered me an encouraging smile before scowling over at the ringwraiths.

The nazgul  sheathed their swords and bowed to me. "Sauron will be pleased to know his powers are working on you. You will be in his control. A war is going on in your head, Raina. And you will succumb to the darkness!" The witch king jeered. I had had enough. I am stronger than in the past.

"Guz mahubub! (eat shit!)" I yelled. And with a wave of my arm, I sent all nine of the nazgul flying back through the trees.

Sauron's Daughter (A lord of the rings / Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now