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We walked past all of the villagers and to the front where the king had already mounted his steed.

"My Lord Aragorn, Lady Raina." He acknowledged, giving me a sincere smile. We both bowed. "We will be moving out shortly!" He called to his men.

"My lady!" A boy called. He led Eru towards me. "Your horse, miss."

"Thank you! May I enquire your name?" The boy only looked to be seven or eight.

"Quinton, miss."

"Well thank you, Quinton."

"Tis not a problem, miss. Are you going to help us?" He asked in a small voice. I knelt down in front of him.

"In all my lives across this earth, I would never refuse aid. I will always be willing to help you and your country, for I feel that that is what my life is about."

He smiled. "I thank you, miss! My gratitude expands this much!" He gestured wildly with his hands, a beaming smile plastered on his face. "Will the war be scary?"

"No. You will be safe in the caves." I assured.

"Quinton!" An old woman shouted. She had fierce eyes and skin like worn leather. Her eyes had wrinkles around them and you could tell she had had a challenging life.

"Coming Mama!" He called. He looked back at me apologetically.

"Go on." I smiled. He ran to her and she began to scold him quietly.

"That girl... dangerous... evil... stay away..." were the only words I caught. I felt a pang of sadness. Nobody trusted me. You would think after so long on this earth I would be used to it, but every time it still hurts. The pain of rejection.

"You will be a wonderful mother someday." Aragorn breathed on my neck.

I smiled. "You better not make a habit of sneaking up on me."

"I wouldn't even if I could." He gave me a lob-sided grin. "You would catch me."

"Too right I would!" I laughed.

"Oh really? You are supposed to disagree and say 'oh no I think you are a perfect hunter'!" I laughed at his impression of me.

"Nope, I've been alive much longer than you. I know all the tricks in the book." I said confidently, folding my arms. Aragorn raised his eyebrow.

He ran straight at me and I squealed. He tackled me straight to the floor and began tickling me.

"Ow- no! A-Aragorn s-stop! I give in! I give in!"

"Such children." An amused voice sounded.

"Leave them be Legolas." Another amused feminine voice scolded softly.

I looked up past the curtain of hair that had flopped infront of my face. Legolas was smirking down at me.

"We were sent here to call you up to the front. We are leaving." He said. "Although maybe we should have come at a better time..." Théodra hit him. He turned to her and mumbled "sorry."

I went to stand up but Aragorn was leaning on top of me. I realized our position and went scarlet red. He moved to get off me and I found I still had a silly smile on my face, and for the first time in a long time, I couldn't care less.

AN: short chapter but full of fluff! I couldn't resist! Although things are about to get very dramatic... -insert evil smile-

Thanks for reading my lovelies! :-)

Lollylom <3 .

Sauron's Daughter (A lord of the rings / Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now