Drug Effects

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I awoke feeling dizzy and confused. What happened? I tried to recollect anything as my vision was still unfocused. I remember being in a room and circling.... Aragorn. He drugged me! My vision began to clear and I was met by the sight of a huge stone wall. Oh Valar, I'm in the caves! Aragorn how could you?!

I felt myself getting angry. How could he do this to me?! I can't just sit out! I'm a born fighter! I'm an asset for Valar's sake! I can't just sit here whilst my friends risk their lives!

I began to stand up, wobbly at first. I ran over to the huge wood door. Locked. I knew I could open it but that would mean breaking the lock and threatening the safety of the villagers. I huffed in frustration.

"My lady?" A voice called.

"Lira? So you made it back?"

"Yes, I did." She smiled. "What are you doing?"

"I need to get out of here. Is there a way?" I asked her.

"Well... yes, but why?"

"My friends are out there! I need to fight. Please... help me." I looked her dead in the eyes. There was a pause and she sighed.

"Okay, follow me."

She lead me to the other side of the caves. We passed many frightened villagers along the way. And that's when we heard it. A faint stomping. They're here.

"Hurry!" Lira shouted, leading me through a small passageway. It was dark and narrow. Lira looked uncomfortable. "Follow the route and it will lead you out into the mountains. From there you can scale the rock and climb over the wall back into the fortress. Be careful. They say things lurk in the shadows in this passage. But it is the quickest way."

I nodded. "Thank you, for everything." She smiled. She began to walk back towards the main caves.

I used my speed to run through the narrow passageway. As I ran, everything seemed to be in slow motion. I looked around and kept a hand on the hilt of my sword. After what must of been only a mere few seconds, I stopped. It was a dead end. What now? Do I scale the wall?



"Who's there?!" I asked, drawing my swords. Something moved in the corner of my eye. I flashed around. "Show yourself!"

"Why should we obey YOU, girl?" A voice whispered.

I whipped my head around in all directions, trying to find the source of the voice.

"I don't like to play games!" I shouted. "And I'm in quite a hurry! Show yourself!"

"The dead do not obey the living." The voice simply stated.

"I am neither dead nor alive. I am Sauron's daughter! I demand you show yourself to me!"

The voice did not answer. I waited a few moments. Maybe I frightened it off?

I turned to face the rock so I could climb it when I was met with the rotting face of a corpse. The corpse flickered in and out of reality. One eye was missing and it looked like the skin was melting. The corpse tilted it's head. I went to see what it was looking at.

There was a rusty sword in his hand and with a movement I never thought it could muster, it stabbed me in the stomach.

I gasped. I looked up into it's eye and it smirked.

"So you are the one." It smiled, exposing rotten, yellow teeth. I removed the sword from my body and panted.

"That was a bad move." I glared at it. It stopped smiling and I saw a glimmer of fear. The wound was not deep and I could feel it healing. I raised my sword. "I know I cannot stop you." I said, approaching it. "But I can delay you." It began to shake it's head. "And you can't stop me at all." I smiled. "I have your weapon." I sliced off it's head. "Well now I'm off schedule." I tutted as I began to scale the rock face.


At the top of the rock, I navigated myself along the pathway until I could see a part of the wall. I lept over it and landed on the stone floor of one of the towers. I realized it was the tower that I was at when I thought Aragorn had died. I have to do this for him. I can't lose him again.

I put up my hood as I headed for the armoury. Everywhere was mostly deserted as the soldiers were already at the wall awaiting the enemy. I opened the armoury door to discover there wasn't much left to protect myself with. Good thing I'm immortal, then.

I managed to find some chainmail and I pulled it over my head. I strapped my swords to my person and took a bow off the shelf along with some arrows. I thought about taking a shield but decided against it. I ran towards the front lines and prepared myself for battle.


We watched as the enemy were almost upon us. I thought of Raina. I was glad she was in the caves. At least she was safe, even if she would be angry. I hoped I would survive the battle long enough to find out. The archers readied their bows.


As I made it to the wall, I saw an Uruk slowly fall to the ground with an arrow imbedded into it. There was silence... then a roar of outrage from the enemy. The battle had begun.

I got my bow out and began shooting at the Uruks. The Uruks then brought out their ladders. I saw many elves fall as they got impaled by the ladder spikes that gripped them to the wall. The Uruks began to climb and I got out my swords.

One came and attacked me head on. I dodged his blows and began to attack. It was stronger than me but I was more agile. If I could use this to my advantage...

I flipped over the Uruk's sword and landed behind it where I stabbed it's shoulder blade. It shrieked in pain before blindly swinging it's long sword. I dodged it's swing and quickly decapitated it.

In the distance, I heard a familiar booming voice. "Twenty one! Twenty two....!" Gimli! I made my way towards the sound, fighting Uruks along the way.

"Gimli!" I cried.

"What are you doing here, lass?!" He shouted whilst fighting with his axe. "I thought you were in the caves!"

"Never! I can't just leave you!" I shouted back whilst a beast tried to stab me with it's sword.

"Aragorn will be fuming!"

"It's a risk I'm willing to take!"

The I heard him. I heard Aragorn. He was speaking elvish. What was he saying?

"Legolas! Kill him! Kill him!"

What was he talking ab-

Sauron's Daughter (A lord of the rings / Aragorn story)Where stories live. Discover now