Struggles and Battles

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~Raina POV~

"What is it? What happened?" Aragorn asked desperately.

"Where's Frodo?" Merry asked, panic creeping into his voice. Sam jumped up immediately. I looked towards Aragorn, wide eyed. Where is Boromir...?

I ran into the trees. "Nuuta! (Damn!) Why didn't I see it before?!" I exclaimed to Aragorn, who I knew was right behind me.

"What do you mean?" He called from behind my back.

"Boromir was not himself last night." I explained. "He was under the influence of the ring. If he should find Frodo alone..." I trailed off and let out a panicked groan. "The poor hobbit won't be able to defend himself. I should have been more alert!"

"We all should." Aragorn agreed. "The only thing that matters is to find them and pray to the gods that they are alright."

"Here here." Legolas agreed from further behind.

We approached a part of a wood near a fallen down head of an ancient statue. There had been signs of a struggle. I was not sure how far my powers had developed yet but it was worth a shot.

I walked to where there had been the signs of a struggle and placed my hands upon the leaves. An image of Boromir trying to grab Frodo flashed in my head. Frodo put the ring on and disappeared. Boromir shouted inaudible words and then the scene faded. "Oh Boromir, what did you do?" I whispered. "We have to find Frodo, now!" I called. Aragorn only nodded before taking off into the trees again. I took off in a different direction, the fastest way to find them would be to split up.

I was running through the trees at super speed calling for Frodo when I heard the rumbling footsteps of something close by. The creatures from my vision! As I got closer to the noise, I began to hear swords clattering. I rounded the corner to see Aragorn fighting with at least 50... what were they? Nevertheless I engaged in battle and not long after, Legolas and Gimli joined.

I slashed at the first creature to enter my path, slicing it's throat and sending black blood splattering onto my hand. I turned around to see another running towards me. It raised its sword up and went to slice my head off my body but I ducked and rolled out of the way. Another creature made its attack and it ended up with a throwing dagger to the heart. The creature that attacked previously made its attack again, aiming for my stomach. I side-stepped out of the way and stabbed it in the leg, forcing it onto the floor and I quickly dispatched it. Three creatures circled me then so I swung my sword and turned 360˚ around slicing all three in the stomach as I did so.

Legolas shot them from a distance before taking out his ivory twin knives and attacking mercilessly. Gimli was hacking away at the creatures with his axe and Aragorn was cutting and slicing the beasts with the gracefulness of a dance.

"Aragorn, Raina, go!" Legolas cried.

"We'll take care of them lass!" Gimli shouted whilst beheading one of the creatures, noticing I was about to refuse. I nodded and followed to where Aragorn had just taken off into the trees.

More of the creatures were in the forest. It looked like they were looking for something. My eyes widened in realization. Frodo! I began hacking at them. I would not let them touch him! Legolas and Gimli joined us in the attack, killing anything that got into their path. I head butted a creature before stabbing it in the stomach. My twin swords were a blur as I slashed anything that got in my way. Their numbers were depleting fast and Legolas quickly killed the last of them running towards us with his bow. A creature held on to Aragorn but Legolas quickly shot it in the back, Aragorn sent a thankful glance to him. A horn pierced the air.

"The horn of Gondor." Legolas announced.

"Boromir!" Aragorn cried.

"Go Raina!" Legolas said. "We'll catch up." I nodded in understanding and got ready to run using my powers towards the noise. All Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli would see is a blur. I took off at lightening speed and was at Boromir's side in 10 seconds.

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