Make the Pain Go Away

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~Aragorn's POV~

"Do you know the punishment for your crimes, my lady?" I heard the king say as I entered the hall. I walked around a pillar to see the king holding a dagger with Raina being held roughly by two guards. "Death." He hissed.

I ran as fast as my legs would allow and shouted for him to stop. He looked at me for a moment and chose to ignore me, sending a dagger sailing towards Raina's chest.

"May this teach you, my Lord Aragorn, how to choose suitable companions. She was a spy." He said, turning back to me.

"She is no spy!" I shouted, outraged. "Yes, she may be the daughter of Sauron. But she is no threat! Nor should you treat her as so!" I had no idea why I was getting so worked up.

"I thought that was a sick joke!" The king roared.

"It is true." Gandalf interrupted, entering the room. "She is the daughter of evil. Fear not my king, she is virtually harmless."

"If she is who you say she is, she should be banished!"

"Nonsense! I have known Raina for over an age. Trust my judgements old friend. Or have you forgotten who saved you from the clutches of Saruman?" Gandalf asked.

"I have not." Théoden answered. "But it is too late now."

Raina lay slumped on the floor in a pool of her own blood. Her face was drawn and pale. I walked over to her small form and held her in my arms. "She is still cold, Gandalf." I told him.

"Where was she stabbed?" He asked. I checked where most of the blood was.

"The heart." I said quietly.

Gandalf sighed. "The worst place." He muttered.

"What is going on?" Said Théoden.

"My Lord, how do you think Raina survived for over an age? You have not been the first to kill her and won't be the last." Gandalf said. I glared at him. Nobody will ever hurt Raina again on my watch.

Raina gasped in my arms and began to take rapid deep breaths. Her eyes were wild and were darting everywhere around the room. I tapped her cheek lightly. "Hey." I said softly. "Raina. Raina look at me." Her emerald eyes make contact with my blue ones. Her chest was still heaving heavily. She squeezed her eyes shut. She let out a strangled cry and clutched her chest. My eyes widened. "Raina. Raina let me look. Come on!" She was breathing laboured breaths.

"I c-can't-"

I hushed her. "Get me some bandages." I said to anyone who was listening. "Someone, quickly!" I ordered. Théoden nodded to one of his guards who ran off down a corridor. I ripped a piece of my tunic and plunged it into the wound to stop the blood flow. Raina let out another cry.

"M-make it go a-away p-please!" She begged.

"I will I promise. Just stay calm. Breathe slower. Slower, that's it." I began to breathe deeply and she copied. Her breathing became more normal if still irregular.

"Can you help, Gandalf?" I asked.

"I can take some of the pain away," he said. "But I cannot heal it. Her body has to do that itself." He knelt down next to Raina and muttered an incantation under his breath. Raina's eyes fluttered closed.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"What I said. I took the pain away. She will sleep peacefully until morning."

The guard came back with bandages and I began to unravel them. "She's going to need stitches-"

"No!" Gandalf interrupted. "By tomorrow she will be almost healed. Her body would repel the stitches whilst she rapidly heals and it will be painful for her. I made that mistake once." He said, guilt washing over his eyes as a memory resurfaced.

I began to wrap the bandages tightly around her chest. "We should get her back to her room." I said. I carefully picked her up bridal style and carried her through the corridor. I kicked open the door into her room and layed her on the bed.

"Oh my! What happened?" Asked Théodra, worriedly.

"Ask your uncle." I grunted.

AN: Aragorn the saviour! Man, I'd let him carry me bridal style any day! Please vote/comment I'd love to know what you think!

Thanks for reading, chums!

Lollylom <3

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